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The ancient Greek philosopher Anaxagoras (circa 510-428 BC/BCE) was not a monist. Although his viewpoint seemed to include notions of the intermingling and basic unity of ordinary things, his doctrine of 'nous' (or, mind) as a separate force at work in reality is on its own an indicator that he did not see the world as monistic. Still more decisively, he also seemed intent on revising the monistic teachings of another ancient philosopher, Parmenides.

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What did anaxagoras invent?

There were two famous people in history called Anaxagoras. In Greek mythology Anaxagoras was king of Argos. The king accidentaly injured a Dryad who then cursed the kings son with a sickness. The king then had to give away two thirds of his kingdom to a healer to cure his son. There was also Anaxagoras the philosopher who was one of the first to say that the laws of nature might be rational.

What did the Euripides do?

Born about 480 B.C., somewhere in the vicinity of Athens, Euripides, the son of Mnesarchides, was destined from the beginning to be a misunderstood poet. He presented his first tragedy at the Great Dionysia in 455 B.C., but did not win his first victory until 441. He won only five awards, and the fifth award was not awarded until after his death. This lack of recognition might seem a bit odd when one considers that Euripides wrote about 92 plays and was compared, even during his lifetime, to the likes of Aeschylus and Sophocles. But Euripides was ignored by the judges of the Greek festival because he did not cater to the the fancies of the Athenian crowd. He did not approve of their superstitions and refused to condone their moral hypocrisy. He was a pacifist, a free thinker, and a humanitarian in an age when such qualities were increasingly overshadowed by intolerance and violence. Perhaps that is why he chose to live much of his life alone with his books in a cave on the island of Salamis. Euripides was exposed early to the religion he would so stubbornly question as an adult. As a child, he served as cup-bearer to the guild of dancers who performed at the altar of Apollo. The son of an influential family, he was also exposed to the great thinkers of the day--including Anaxagoras, the Ionian philosopher who maintained that the sun was not a golden chariot steered across the sky by some elusive god, but rather a fiery mass of earth or stone. The radical philosopher had a profound effect on the young poet, and left with him a passionate love of truth and a curious,

Difference between monotheism and polytheism?

Monism is the philosophical view that a variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance. The main forms of religious monism are:Pantheism - the belief that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent God or that the universe (or nature) is identical with divinity. Pantheists do not believe in a personal or anthropomorphic god.Panentheism - a belief that the divine (be it a monotheistic God, polytheistic gods, or an eternal cosmic animating force), interpenetrates every part of nature, but is not one with nature.Monotheism is simply the belief that there is one god. This belief can be consistent with monism, however the major monotheistic religions are not monistic.

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Anaxagoras. has written: 'Fragments and Testimonia' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation 'The fragments of Anaxagoras' -- subject(s): Filosofie, Translations into English

What is the meaning of monist?

A believer in monism.

What did anaxagoras discover?

Anaxagoras is known for his theory that everything in the universe is composed of infinitely divisible particles called "nous" or "mind." He also proposed that the moon shines by reflecting light from the sun and that natural phenomena have material explanations rather than being the result of divine intervention.

When was Anaxagoras born?

born February 4, 1936, in Montreux, Switzerland

Who were the Greek mathematicians?

Aristotle, Plato, Euclid, Thales, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Aristarchus

What are Anaxagoras' achievements?

made pizza so good that everyone wanted it again

What is Anaxagoras famous for?

Anaxagoras Anaxagoras was born in Clazomenae in Asia Minor. His life was sometimes great and sometimes hurtful, Anaxagoras learnt about the new educations that were taking place in philosophy, he was a rich man but he gave up all the money he had and focused on philosophy. He examined the sun and the moon and he said that "Everything has a natural explanation, the Moon is not a god but a great rock, and Sun a hot rock". He was imprisoned for telling everyone that the sun and the moon were not any gods. Life wasn't a game that time.People also said he was the birth of physics. He was famous for explaining the different phases of the moon.

Who are the proponents of idealism?

anaxagoras, immanuel kant, p.r. Sarkar, g.w.f hegel. Etc

Why was Anaxagoras called an atheist?

He claimed the mind was the everything of everything, not some imaginary sky fairy.