The temple of the Nymphs, near Mieza, where, to this very day, they show you Aristotle's stone seats.
Yes, Aristotle did train Alexander the great. He was his classical Greek educational mentor when he was in school in Mieza.
Alexander the Great's mentor was Aristotle
Alexander the Great's teacher was Aristotle.
Alexander the Great was not only a greater trainer but a role model and a great mentor.
Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher. Aristotle was a protege to Plato, whose mentor was Socrates. These three great thinkers were all Greek, and that is the reason why Alexander the Great loved Greek Culture so much. (He was Macedonian.) That's a common misconception about Alexander. People think that he was Greek; he was not. Alexander was a Macedonian prince, son of Phillip II, and he was influenced by Aristotle.
Aristotle was the philosopher and teacher who had Alexander the Great as one of his students.
Alexander the Great's mentor was Aristotle
Alexander the Great's teacher was Aristotle.
Alexander the great's mentor was Aristotle
Alexander the Great was not only a greater trainer but a role model and a great mentor.
Aristotle's teacher was Plato. Socrates was Plato's mentor.
Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher. Aristotle was a protege to Plato, whose mentor was Socrates. These three great thinkers were all Greek, and that is the reason why Alexander the Great loved Greek Culture so much. (He was Macedonian.) That's a common misconception about Alexander. People think that he was Greek; he was not. Alexander was a Macedonian prince, son of Phillip II, and he was influenced by Aristotle.
Aristotle was a renowned philosopher and mentor to many leaders, including Alexander the Great. Alexander valued Aristotle's teachings on subjects like philosophy, ethics, and politics, which influenced his own beliefs and actions. Aristotle's guidance helped shape Alexander's worldview and approach to leadership.
Aristotle was the philosopher and teacher who had Alexander the Great as one of his students.
Aristotle told Alexander the Great to be humble.
Aristotle was his teacher.
he was taught by aristotle
No, Alexander the Great was not a direct student of Socrates. However, he was tutored by the philosopher Aristotle.