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Within any company, there are two types of organization - Formal Structure and Informal Structure. Both effect the organization and relationships between staffs.

# The formal Organization refers to the formal relationships of authority and subordinates within a company. While the informal organization refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other. # The primary focus of the formal organization is the position of the employee/manager holds. While the primary focus of the informal organization is the employee as an individual person. # Power is delegated from the top levels of the management down to the organization. In an informal organization power is derived from the membership of the informal groups within the organization. # In formal Organization, each position has rules governing what can be done or what cannot be done. There are rewards and penalties for complying with these rules and performing duties as well. While in an informal organization, the conduct of individuals within organization is governed by norms that is social rules of behavior.

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Q: What are factors of decentralization?
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Two factors that contribute to the decentralization of parties are federalism and nominating powers.

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What the centralization and decentralization?

Centralization is the concentration of decision-making authority at the top levels of an organization, leading to a hierarchical structure. Decentralization, on the other hand, involves distributing decision-making authority to lower levels within the organization, empowering employees and offering more flexibility. The choice between centralization and decentralization often depends on factors such as the organization's size, industry, and objectives.

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What causes of decentralization?

Decentralization can be caused by factors such as a desire for greater autonomy, a need for more efficient decision-making, a response to political or economic challenges, or as a means to promote democracy and accountability. It can also result from technological advancements that enable decentralized systems to function effectively.

When was Decentralization Coalition created?

Decentralization Coalition was created on 2005-12-10.

What are the problems face decentralization?

The disadvantages of decentralization are when a certain organization has already expanded, decentralization is not needed anymore. It can also result in inadequate control and appraisal.

What are causes of decentralization?

Causes of decentralization can include a desire to improve efficiency and effectiveness by bringing decision-making closer to the point of action, a need to respond more quickly to local needs and circumstances, and a way to increase accountability and transparency by involving more stakeholders in decision-making processes. Political or economic factors may also play a role in driving decentralization efforts.

Who is the Minister in Charge of Decentralization for Chad?

Hamid Mahamat Dahalob is the Minister in Charge of Decentralization for Chad.

Absolute decentralization is as hypothetical as absolute centralization. Discuss. Also explain the factors which affect the degree of decentralization which is best. why?

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