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The list of advantages is shorter than the one for dissadvanteges. The main problem is that the laws are written for the crooks not for the working peorson.

If you get your property broken into the cops will not even spend one minute trying to find your stuff.

If you get hurt by someone the system will let them go with A slap on the hand, BUT, It will get its money while you are left out in the cold.

Cops sit hiding trying to catch A person who is late for work so they can exstort $150 bucks from them for "SPEEDING" while real criminals just drive on by.

You can judge how long it will take the cops to get to your property by how much they think they will get for the appearance.

Drug dealers can stand on the street and sell drugs in the open but if you buy some as evidence then you will be arrested.

You can follow A car and witness them throwing out beer bottles in A school zone and the cops will not stop the car, but lets see you drive through that same school zone after hours at 5 miles above the limit.

The list is rediculously long, I wish the American people would revolt, I am on board! Any one ready?

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Q: What are some disadvantages in your judicial system?
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