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Eastern philosophers and Christianity.

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Q: What are two generalization you can make about the spread of enlightenment ideas?
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How did the Art change as Enlightenment ideas spread?

because the have to make new ideas about art....

How did the arts and literature change as enlightenment's ideas spread?

because the have to make new ideas about art....

How did the arts and literature change and enlightenment ideas spread?

because the have to make new ideas about art....

How did art and literature change as enlightenment ideas spread?

because the have to make new ideas about art....

How did the arts literature change as enlightenment ideas spread?

because the have to make new ideas about art....

What were the people's ideas on enlightenment?

Different people and cultures have varied ideas about enlightenment. In Buddhism, it is achieving a state of heightened understanding and awareness to break free from suffering. In the Western philosophical tradition, enlightenment is often associated with reason, self-discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge.

What generalization can you make about the location of settlement in the desert southwest?

what generalization can you make about the location of settlements in the desert southwest

What steps do you follow in making a generalization?

The steps on making a generalization is Identify the topic,Gather examples,examine the examples for similarities,and make the generalization.

What are the steps in making a generalization?

identify the topic, gather examples ,examine them for simlarities, make your generalization

What is generalization?

*A generalization is a statement about several things or people *clue words to identify generalization * Valid generalization: fact support or prove and (true) generalization *clue words in a sentence to make a generalization: never,all,sometimes,most,always,none,everybody,everone,society,some,almost,only,empty *Faulty generalization: (not true) generalization (can not) be proven or supported with a fact.

What role did the Enlightenment play in driving the French people to participate in Revolution?

the enlightenment was the historical context which brought forth a lot of new ideas about the rights of individuals and obligations of nations to it's citizens, so therefore enlightenment ideas would be in the common peoples' minds and they would think that "these ideas would make life better for US.", and they wanted a better life so wanting a better life and thinking these new ideas could help the achieve that would be basically what caused them to participate in the revolution.

What role did the enlightenment play in driving the french people to participation in the revolution?

the enlightenment was the historical context which brought forth a lot of new ideas about the rights of individuals and obligations of nations to it's citizens, so therefore enlightenment ideas would be in the common peoples' minds and they would think that "these ideas would make life better for US.", and they wanted a better life so wanting a better life and thinking these new ideas could help the achieve that would be basically what caused them to participate in the revolution.