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He made a pilgrimage to mecca and saw people of all nationalities living together peacefully

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12y ago

because i dont know can u tell me why

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Q: What caused Malcolm X to change his ideas about integration and segregation?
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In the older days, school integration was often achieved through legal mandates, such as the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. This decision paved the way for the gradual integration of schools through court orders and legislative actions. However, the process was met with significant resistance, leading to protests, violence, and challenges in implementation. Ultimately, the integration of schools required a combination of legal actions, community advocacy, and societal change to overcome deep-rooted segregation practices.

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Rosa Parks didn't change the bus laws; the city of Montgomery changed them after the US Supreme Court declared segregation on intrastate transportation (in this case, the city buses) was unconstitutional. The US District Court issued an order requiring integration to begin on December 20, 1956.

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Malcolm came to believe in limited acceptance of white people. -Nova

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of never making a change in our lives

What year did Malcolm X change his religion?

He converted to Islam in 1952

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Malcolm X made the world less segregated until Martin Luther King came finished the issue and then died long after Malcolm Little -or- Malcolm X.