I assume you are asking about the frog and/or toad life cycle. First is the egg. Eggs hatch into tadpoles. So to answer your question, eggs come before tadpoles.
no its false 400 bc comes before 500bc and 500bc comes after 400bc
In the dictionary? Honest comes before honor. O comes after E. HonEst, HonOr.
I've come before Isn't due to the fact if you where to write out I've you get i have which i comes before is not
it comes before It's in alphabetical order.
Standard practice for alphabetization in English is that if one word is longer than another but the shorter word forms the start of the longer one, the longer one comes after the shorter one. For example: "alphabet" precedes "alphabetical" "luck" precedes "lucky" and so on. One way to think of this is to consider the shorter word to be padded on the right with spaces. Rules of alphabetization consider a space to come before any letter; e.g. if ^ stands for a pad space, CAR^^^ comes before CARPET ("CAR" matches, ^^^ comes before "PET") just like CARPET comes before CARTON ("PET" comes before "TON") The simply rule is that 'nothing' comes before something.
A tadpole
Frogspawn, then tadpole, then frog
Before it becomes a frog, a frog starts its life cycle as an egg, then hatches into a tadpole. The tadpole will further develop into a froglet before eventually maturing into an adult frog.
a tadpole is the second stage before it grows into a frog.
a tadpole
yes. a tadpole is a young frog. A Tadpole MAY be a young frog but all tadpoles are not neccessarily young frogs. There are several species of creature like Newts and Toads etc that also have a tadpole stage.
After a tadpole hatches, it will typically feed on algae and plant matter. As it grows, it will start to develop limbs and its tail will reduce in size. Eventually, it will undergo metamorphosis and transform into a frog or toad.
Egg is to tadpole as tadpole is to frog.
first the mom must mate with a male then they will start forming in her stomach, after a while she lays her eggs in the water and from the point the tadpole eggs hatch they start swimming. hope this helped you:)!!!!
The word originated from the word tadpole. As a tadpole is small. And the meaning for the word tad is small or a small amount.
No, legless tadpoles cannot eat flies.Specifically, a tadpole's diet answers to developmental stage. Before developing legs, a tadpole follows a vegetarian diet. Once legs develop, a tadpole is able to digest such insects as small crickets and flies.