Interest groups set out to help people with the same ideals and viewpoints. They are essential in getting laws and statutes passed for business, unions, or groups.
To split the alphabet into 6 groups you would have 4 letters in 4 groups, and 5 letters in 2 groups. Groups could include A-D, E-I, J-M, N-R, S-V, W-Z.
Balance of power describes who holds power when it comes to nations and groups of people. In nations, this describes all countries having nearly equal power. With groups of people, this describes a small group's power compared to multiple large groups having nearly equal power.
Caucasian Black Latino Asian
Soda comes in groups of 6
Octets do.
what comes in groups of 12
8 groups of 4 = 8*4 = 32
There are four groups of 4 that will make eight groups of 2.
Pairs come in groups of two, such as shoes, gloves, or eyes.
baseball teams
Fingers and toes?
There are six (6) groups of 2 in three groups of 4. Your answer is six (6)