type in elgoog
keyboard, screen, mouse
Input, Storage, Processing, and Output.
No. the ENIAC had a printer instead.
It is still customary to measure, in inches, a screen from corner to corner diagonally.
You should not. You should use centimetres.
you would use a ruler to measure a computer screen.
you measure the computer screen diagonally, so if you have a 17" computer screen, and you measure it straight from side to side, then its not 17". You have to measure diagonally. I.e. Top left coner of the screen ( do not include the housing) to the bottom right side of the screen
A computer typically measures height in pixels. Pixels are the smallest unit of measurement on a screen and represent a single point of color. The number of pixels in height determines the vertical resolution of a display.
The same way you measure a TV screen, diagonally (any corner to opposite corner).
by measuring diagonal length
Every screen will be different. You can approximate for your particular computer by dividing the height of the screen in pixels (the second number in your display resolution) by the height of the screen in centimeters. The number you get will be "pixels per cm" for your screen.
screen size of any computer or tv screen is measured along the diagonal. so screen size 14 inches means that the length of the diagonal of the screen is 14 inches
Yes, you measure the TV, or monitor screen (computer) diagonally. On the newer flat screens the measurement may be a tad off, but you can get the general idea.
Use A Tape Measure.