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Nicholaus Copernicus can be called the father of modern astronomy. He is generally credited to be the proponent of the heliocentric theory. He said in his book"De Revolutionibus" that Ptolemy's system of epicycles was wrong while giving proof that his theory which stated that the earth was at the center of the universe. His work paved way for the golden age of astronomy

Nicolas claimed that the world revolved around the sun. This was a big blow because that affected the religion of some places.

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13y ago
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16y ago

Sir Issac Newton formulated the universal law of gravitation, which is a formula that describes the behavior of gravity. When Newton was at his apple orchard, thinking about how the moon revolves around the earth, he famously sees an apple fall. When he saw the apple fall, he thought that the moon was also "falling". With this single though, newton was able to unite the behavior gravity on Earth with gravity in space. Hence, Newton discovered that gravity is a universal force that is found throughout the universe.

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11y ago

He invented a type of reflecting telescope but mainly he produced the inverse-square law for gravitational force and showed that a planet under the effect of that force would describe an orbit that exactly matches Kepler's three laws.

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9y ago

It was to discover that Kepler's three laws of planetary motion could be explained by the laws of motion working with the law of gravity. No-one had produced such a convincing piece of detailed physical theory before then, and it paved the way for the science of mathematical physics.

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15y ago

The early Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe spent 20 years living alone, measuring the positions of the sun, moon, and visible planets, and keeping written records of everything he saw and measured. (Note that this was all with his eyes ... he had no telescope.) After Tycho's death, Kepler took his notebooks and looked for patterns in the data. He was able to show that everything in Tycho's notebooks could be explained with three simple rules ... later called Kepler's Laws ... and assuming that all the planets move in orbits around the sun. A hundred years after Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton formulated a law of Gravity, and showed that if he understood gravity right, then gravity would cause Kepler's Laws ! So with one stroke, Newton published an explanation of gravity that was impossible to argue with because the solar system confirmed it, and an explanation of the structure of the solar system that was exactly predicted by his law of gravity.

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15y ago

Isaac newton is credited with the invention of the reflecting telescope. This used a concave mirror instead of lenses. It is very compact and still exists.

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12y ago

Newton developed the first reflecting telescope, and also developed the theory of universal gravitation.

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Newton put theory into mathematical form, giving it very persuasive explanatory power.

IMHO Aristotle, da Vinci and Newton were the three brightest guys who ever lived.

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15y ago

Newton provided laws of gravity and interia. these two laws together is what makes the planets orbit the sun

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Isaac Newton invented the first reflecting telescope

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What did Isaac Newton create?

Issac Newton created the pet door. He also created the telescope. Mr. Newton is known for his scientific laws of motion.

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The unit newton is named after Sir Issac Newton.

When was Issac Newton?

Issac Newton was born on January 4, 1643.

What did Issac newton do to help the world?

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Sir Issac Newton never had children.

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Issac Newton Went to collage at Cambrige Universitity.

Where did Issac newton go to college?

Issac Newton went to Trinity College in Cambridge, England.