I think that Gloucester supported parliament because Charles wanted to take control over Gloucester and instead of collecting taxes from the people on the coast to make ship money but he went to the centre and across the city which annoyed parliament even more because that's what led to the English civil war between parliament and Charles, Charles greediness and craving for money
Charles closed Parliament because they refused to help him and give him the money he needed and they were gaining to much power. The parliament had a list of demands to get more power off the King. The kings anger at the Parliament was, one of the main triggers of the Civil War. Many major demands consisting of the King to not make any important decisions in the name of religion, country or money without the Parliament approval. This made the King furious thus closing the Parliament was his only choice.
King Charles devoured parliament because they would not give him money to waste on battles and have parties with his friends and to buy expensive gifts to make people like him more and more so he could have more friends to fight battles with. After a while he got
Charles I did not want to work with a Parliament, because the Parliament has the final say with matters such as laws. Charles I could propose a new law, but the Parliament can either accept it, or reject it.Charles didn't want a Parliament because he pretty much wanted absolute power. He wanted to make decisions on his own.The English Civil War, which Charles I lost, was Charles vs Parliament (led by Oliver Cromwell). Charles tried raising extra taxes without discussing it with the Parliament. Also, he married a Catholic princess, who influenced his decisions. Many were afraid that Charles would make the Church of England more Catholic. (He's Protestant.)All these problems led to the war, and eventually Charles lost, went into trial, and got beheaded.
Charles was a Martyr because he died for his beliefs; King's should make the rules, not Parliament!!
Because petitioning parliament for money meant he had to make concessions to them.
I think that Gloucester supported parliament because Charles wanted to take control over Gloucester and instead of collecting taxes from the people on the coast to make ship money but he went to the centre and across the city which annoyed parliament even more because that's what led to the English civil war between parliament and Charles, Charles greediness and craving for money
Charles closed Parliament because they refused to help him and give him the money he needed and they were gaining to much power. The parliament had a list of demands to get more power off the King. The kings anger at the Parliament was, one of the main triggers of the Civil War. Many major demands consisting of the King to not make any important decisions in the name of religion, country or money without the Parliament approval. This made the King furious thus closing the Parliament was his only choice.
Because he thought he could do as he liked, ruling by the grace of God, and expected Parliament to do his bidding.
Charles the first launched a war on Parliament. Parliment won. A law was passed that the king/queen would stay but Parliament would be the premier political institution in England
King Charles devoured parliament because they would not give him money to waste on battles and have parties with his friends and to buy expensive gifts to make people like him more and more so he could have more friends to fight battles with. After a while he got
Charles was a Martyr because he died for his beliefs; King's should make the rules, not Parliament!!
Charles I did not want to work with a Parliament, because the Parliament has the final say with matters such as laws. Charles I could propose a new law, but the Parliament can either accept it, or reject it.Charles didn't want a Parliament because he pretty much wanted absolute power. He wanted to make decisions on his own.The English Civil War, which Charles I lost, was Charles vs Parliament (led by Oliver Cromwell). Charles tried raising extra taxes without discussing it with the Parliament. Also, he married a Catholic princess, who influenced his decisions. Many were afraid that Charles would make the Church of England more Catholic. (He's Protestant.)All these problems led to the war, and eventually Charles lost, went into trial, and got beheaded.
Charles Kane
King Charles did lots of things to upset parliament such as trying to make the country from protestant to catholic. he also used peoples money to throw big partys and buy expensive presents for more information go to historyhelp.gov/schools
The English Civil started in 1642 and ended in 1651. The conflict was between the monarch, Charles I, and the Parliamentarians, mainly led by Oliver Cromwell. Although, Charles and Parliament had never agreed with each other, the war was officially declared after the Grand Remonstrance. This was an act passed by Parliament demanding the Charles got rid of the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, bishops and the Earl of Stafford. In the lead up to the war, Charles was constantly asking Parliament to raise more money for him to fund his lavish lifestlye. Parliament agreed to give him one seventh of his demand, raised through the Poll Tax. This angered Charles and he raised a new tax called Ship Tax. (Note: Ship Tax is an extra tax on the coastal counties to raise money for ship-building in a wartime) The majority of the general public was on Parliament's side after Charles introduced Ship Tax in a peacetime to the whole country. Parliament didn't like baron and one of Charles' closest friends, the Earl of Strafford, because he encouraged the decision to introduce Ship Tax. Parliament didn't like Archbishop Laud because England was a Protestant country. Laud made some reforms to the church when he came to power that were more like Catholic practices. Then Charles married Catholic, French princess, Henrietta Maria, so Parliament was scared that Charles would make England Catholic again. The English Civil started in 1642 and ended in 1651. The conflict was between the monarch, Charles I, and the Parliamentarians, mainly led by Oliver Cromwell. Although, Charles and Parliament had never agreed with each other, the war was officially declared after the Grand Remonstrance. This was an act passed by Parliament demanding the Charles got rid of the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, bishops and the Earl of Stafford. In the lead up to the war, Charles was constantly asking Parliament to raise more money for him to fund his lavish lifestyle. Parliament agreed to give him one seventh of his demand, raised through the Poll Tax. This angered Charles and he raised a new tax called Ship Tax. (Note: Ship Tax is an extra tax on the coastal counties to raise money for ship-building in a wartime) The majority of the general public was on Parliament's side after Charles introduced Ship Tax in a peacetime to the whole country. Parliament didn't like baron and one of Charles' closest friends, the Earl of Strafford, because he encouraged the decision to introduce Ship Tax. Parliament didn't like Archbishop Laud because England was a Protestant country. Laud made some reforms to the church when he came to power that were more like Catholic practices. Then Charles married Catholic, French princess, Henrietta Maria, so Parliament was scared that Charles would make England Catholic again.
Millions of Billions of dollars.