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Defacing is defined as spoiling the appearance of something or damaging the surface of something. Defacing often involves graffiti or even breaking something.

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7y ago

The word deface has a few meanings. One of the meanings is to spoil the surface or appearance of something. It also means to disfigure or to deform something.

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Is it classed as defacing a dollar bill if you write Wheres George on it which is a site?

Technically, yes, and curiously the website no longer sells the stamps used for this purpose.

What religions are in conflict in Palestine?

It depends what you mean by "Palestine". If you are referring exclusively to the Palestinian Territories, there are abuses by Muslim Palestinians of Christian Palestinians and the defacing of their holy sites and monuments. Additionally, there is a conflict between Jewish Israeli Settlers and Israeli Soldiers and Palestinians (both Muslim and Christian). If you are using "Palestine" as a shorthand for "Israel and Palestine", then the religions in the conflict are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, those religions are not at conflict. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a ethnic/nationalist conflict where religions are used as ethnic identifiers (similar to the 1990s in Yugoslavia). It is not a theological conflict.

What do gargoyles symbolise?

In modern culture, they typically symbolize demons or other demonic creatures. However, in medieval times, they acted as scarecrows, in order to keep birds from perching on and defacing buildings with heights that would be difficult to reach. Western culture especially has taken the idea of these gargoyles and turned them into demonic symbols, probably due to our puritan origins. Originally, gargoyles were protectors, one may say, from birds.

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

If you like history what can you do?

What do you mean by 'do'? Do you mean as a career, or do you mean 'How can you study history?'

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What actors and actresses appeared in Defacing Eve - 2011?

The cast of Defacing Eve - 2011 includes: Leyla Hussein as herself

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What is cybervandalism?

intentionally disrupting, defacing or destroying a Web site.

What is the legal charge for burning money?

The charge is defacing currency.

What is the word for defacing your body in the bible?

ie. tatooing + is mutilation and forbidden.

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Why is keying car windows vandalism?

You would be damaging or defacing another person's property.

How do you spell vandelising?

The US spelling is "vandalizing" (damaging or defacing). The UK spelling is vandalising.

Can you get arrested for defacing the queens face?

Elizabeth the first had many boy friends such as: phillip the 2nd and ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What is the part of speech for defacing?

"Deface" is a verb. For example: He plans to deface the wall as soon as he finds the chalk.

What is the punishment for the crime of defacing a serial number on a firearm?

Federal jail time and 5-10K fine

Is graffiti legal in Monroe WA?

Graffiti is illegal everywhere........... it goes under defacing public/private property