Mathematically speaking, dg could be deci-grams, ie one tenth of a gram.
Without a context it is impossible to give an exact answer.
Dollar General Corporation (DG)had its IPO in 2009.
dg ng rg
refreshment stand or concession stand
no you can not stand on clouds
KC can stand for a couple different things. It can stand for Kansas City. It also can stand for Knights of Columbus and King Crimson.
DG stand for Dei Gratia, Latin for "by the grace of God."
in measurements dg stands for decigrams
When relating to weight and mass, mg stands for milligram, and dg stands for decigram.
14 karat gold
"dg" stands for decigrams in the metric system. It is a unit of mass equal to one-tenth of a gram.
fgdf fgd gdfg dg dg dfg dfg dg dg dfg dd
dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab fbgffeefeeafeedded dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab bcdgaddcdgbg dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab fbgffeefeeafeedded dg,gedg,dcbbcdgab bcdgaddcdgbg
The answer is .033 dg.
58,000 dg
4 dg