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Q: What does each sublevel contains one or more of?
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How many electrons can a s sublevel contain?

An s sublevel can contain a maximum of 2 electrons. This is due to the presence of only one s orbital within each energy level.

Why can a p sublevel hold 6 electrons while the s sublevel can hold no more than 2 electrons?

The p sublevel consists of three orbitals, each of which can hold up to 2 electrons. This totals to a maximum of 6 electrons in the p sublevel. In contrast, the s sublevel consists of only one orbital, which can hold a maximum of 2 electrons due to the rules of electron configuration in an atom.

How many electrons are found in each sublevel?

The number of electrons found in each sublevel is given by the formula 2n^2, where n is the principal quantum number. For example, the s sublevel can hold a maximum of 2 electrons, the p sublevel can hold a maximum of 6 electrons, the d sublevel can hold a maximum of 10 electrons, and the f sublevel can hold a maximum of 14 electrons.

Each genus contains one or more of what?


How many orbitals are in the 7s sublevel?

There is only one orbital in the 7s sublevel. The "7" corresponds to the principal quantum number and "s" indicates the sublevel shape, which is spherical.

How many d orbital can there be in an energy level?

There are five d orbitals in one energy level. These orbitals are designated as dxy, dyz, dxz, dz2, and dx2-y2. Each d orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons.

How many electrons are in the first period?

for all elements, excluding hydrogen, there are 2 electrons in the first energy level. Hydrogen is the exception of this because it only has a single electron, thus it only has 1 in its first and only energy level.

Has one electron in the 2s sublevel?


Which element has a single electron in the 2p sublevel?

The element with a single electron in the 2p sublevel is boron. Boron has 5 electrons, with one electron in the 2p sublevel.

Why is it that all of the sub shells in a given shell have the same energy in the hydrogen atom whereas in a many-electron atom the sub shells in a given shell do not have the same energy?

In the hydrogen atom, there is only one electron present, so the electron in the same shell experiences the same electrostatic attraction towards the nucleus, resulting in equal energy levels for the subshells. In many-electron atoms, the presence of multiple electrons leads to electron-electron repulsions, causing the energy levels to shift slightly due to varying degrees of shielding and effective nuclear charge experienced by each electron in the subshells.

Sublevel of atom?

The level of energy possessed by all electrons in one type of orbital. -APEX

Is a table a collection of records for a single object?

A table in a database contains a collection of records (or rows). Each record contains one or more fields (or columns).