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Q: What factors influenced the appeal of both Luther and Calvin?
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Why did luther appeal to the princes?

Luther to the faith to the people, being against the bloated powerhouse that was then the church, telling everyone what, when, how, where and who. The church believed the peasants were too ignorant to decide for themselves and so told them what to believe. Luther believed in personal faith. Luther made the Bible available to them in a language they could understand, as the Catholic church kept the Word of God in Latin which was the language of the educated only. Also, through the selling of indulgences, the poor were exploited by the Catholic church, and Luther sought to liberate them from this.

Did Martin Luther King fought against apartheid?

Martin Luther King actively supported the struggle of the South African people against apartheid. In 1963 the UN Special Committee against Apartheid was established and one of the first letters the committee received was from Martin Luther King, according to Nigerian ambassador Leslie O. Harriman5. Together with the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1960, the ANC leader Chief Albert J. Lutuli, Martin Luther King made an 'Appeal for Action against Apartheid' on Human Rights Day, 10 December 1962

What is rational appeal?

Rational appeal based on attributes and quality of the product or service

What are German push and pull factors?

German push factors refer to the factors that motivate people to leave Germany, such as high unemployment rates, limited job opportunities, political instability, or a desire for better quality of life. German pull factors, on the other hand, are the factors that attract people to Germany, such as a strong economy, job opportunities, quality education and healthcare systems, or the country's cultural and historical appeal.

Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the?

Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the emotions.

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Why did Calvin's belief appeal to his followers?

I'm sure there's a difference of opinion on this. Though Calvin appealed to reason itself; writing in the severe, logical style of a trained lawyer, dealing firmly and lucidly with the most basic issues, people are not swayed by reason, rather they are swayed by emotional appeal. According to R.R Palmer & Joel Colton, Calvin's followers could feel in their own mind they were among the saved, God's chosen few. That is, they didn't have to depend on the Church for their salvation. I think this was his appeal.

What factors that describe art with tourist appeal?

putang ina mo

What are pull factors that influence Italian immigration?

Pull factors that influenced Italian immigration included the promise of better economic opportunities, the possibility of owning land, the lure of reuniting with family members already in the destination country, and the appeal of political stability and religious freedom.

Why did martin Luther why did martin Luther's 95 theses appeal to the people?

the 95 theses appealed to people because they made more sense. For example it made more sense fore the bible and servics to be in the language you speak.

What factors contribute to visual arousal and how can it be effectively harnessed in design and marketing strategies?

Visual arousal is influenced by factors such as color, contrast, symmetry, and complexity. In design and marketing, it can be effectively harnessed by using eye-catching visuals, incorporating emotional appeal, and creating a cohesive visual identity that resonates with the target audience. By understanding these factors and implementing them strategically, businesses can capture attention and engage consumers effectively.

Is the rate at which products are adopted in the marketplace?

The rate at which products are adopted in the marketplace refers to the speed and extent to which consumers are willing to purchase and integrate a new product into their lives. This rate can be influenced by factors like product appeal, marketing strategies, competition, and consumer needs. Understanding and leveraging these factors can help businesses successfully introduce and promote new products.

Who did Martin Luther appeal to?

because martin Luther did not believe in sacraments, elaborate ceremonies, and indulgences, he appealed mostly to lower class citizens who could not afford to buy indulgences and who had to work so much, they could not even attend a sermon.

Cultural factors in education with tourist appeal?

cultural factors that can attract tourist include aspects such as the studying habits borrowed from various cultures. How different genders are educated among other factors.