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Q: What force in fluid described by Archimedes' principle allow object to float?
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Which force in fluids described by Archimedes principle allow objects to float?


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Sometimes the term "Nuremberg principle" is used for the legal principle that obeying orders does not allow one to commit crimes.

How are density and the ability of a boat to float related?

According to Archimedes' Principle (which he described in his treatise On Floating Bodies) a body immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. In the case of a floating boat, if the average density of the boat and the air within its hull is less than the density of the water, the mass of the water displaced as it settles into the water will be equal to the to the total mass of the boat but it will displace a volume less than the volume of the boat, thus enough of the boat will remain above the water to allow it to float.

Which power will allow you to see more the object?

Increasing the resolution or magnification of the optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope, will allow you to see more details of the object.

The buoyant force on an object depends on its?

The buoyant force on an object depends on the object's volume displaced by the fluid it is submerged in. This force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, according to Archimedes' principle.

What makes an object opaque?

An object is opaque when it does not allow light to pass through it. This is due to the material's properties, such as being dense and not allowing light to penetrate. Because of this, the object appears solid and does not allow visibility through it.

What is the scientific name for a object that does let light through?

An object that does not allow light to pass through it is called an opaque object.

What kind of object can not allow light to pass?

an opaque one

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A porous and permeable rock will allow water to pass through. Rocks layers that allow the flow of water may be described as an aquifer.

Which power (low or high) will allow you to see more of the object?

A high-powered lens will allow you to see more details and magnify the object, while a low-powered lens will provide a broader view of the object with less magnification.

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No, Document Type Definitions (DTDs) do not support true inheritance like object-oriented programming languages. However, they do allow for entity declarations that can be reused across different model structures, providing a level of modularity and reuse but not direct inheritance.

What is formed when an object which does not allow light to pass through is in the path of light?

Depends on the surface of the object that the light is projected on. If the object has a polished surface like an inoxidable steel, or the object is a mirror, the light will produce a reflexion or the light comes back when it hits the mirror. Behind any object, is formed a shadow, since such object is not a glass.