Imperialism can be a broad and vague term depending on how its used and can refer to any country that conquers Another Country and uses any of its resources. This could refer to something such as Alexander's conquests or even the U.S. acquisition of territories (though highly argumentative). Imperialism can cause drains on countries Natural Resources, inhibit freedom, and have drastic economic results such as poverty. Here's a quick source: There is nothing positive about imperialism. It is the logical evolution of capitalism in it's quest for total control of the planet's resources
A positive effect is seen in document one called "Modern Progressive Nations," it shows how the larger nations gave to the smaller colonies. The nations built them roads, canals, and railways. Showed them the telegraph, newspaper, established schools for them, gave them the blessing of their civilization, and overall made them economized. They were part of modern culture after this occurred. Another positive effect is seen in document three called "Colonial Governments and Missionaries. " It shows how the colonial governments introduced improved medical care, and better methods of sanitation. There were new crops; tools and farming methods, which helped, increase food production. These changes meant less death to smaller colonies, and overall improve the state of living. They now could live longer and have better sanitation compared to the earlier imperialism.
positives: the colonists brought Africa to the New World. Africa became moernized and colonized. Ne machinanery and inventions. Boosted Africa's economy. Education became more popular and offered more often. Negatives: Millions of Africans were killed. Many were forced into slavery. Few had freedomcolonizers spread diseases. Hope it helped.
for me,reformation have always been the problem of everyone.but we have to accept that change is constant in our life......
While there are definitely a number of negatives to colonialism, there were most certainly a number of positives as well, many of which survive in one form or another today: Architecture Infrastructure (Road, rail, bridges, electricity, water supply and power generation) Administration and legal systems Education (Starting with missionary schools up to universities) Medicine Military infrastructures and training Farming, Agriculture, food and textile production
One negative trend that emerged in the Northern colonies during the 1700s was slavery. Although it has been abolished, there are still racist attitudes that exist today.
im not positive but im pretty sure he felt rather negative about them
it is not bad it simply mean you were unable to perform for some personal reason you do not have to disclose most times after six months it turns into an honorable if you dont get in trouble with the law you can go through the army review board and ask for and upgrade in discharge status and they will review you request and more than likely give it to ya The above information is incorrect. A General (Under Honorable Conditions) characterization is warranted when a member's service has been honest and faithful, but significant negative aspects of service outweigh the positive aspects of that service. Characterization of service NEVER has and NEVER will automatically upgrade to Honorable after six months. This is urban legend. If you apply to the Army Discharge Review Board (DRB) they will not just give it to you. You must prove inequity or impropriety in you separation proceedings or in your assigned characterization and/or separation code. Very few applications recieve the relief they are seeking.
Opinions on this topic vary. Mao's positive contributions include modernizing China's economy and improving literacy rates. However, his policies also led to widespread famine, political repression, and social upheaval, which have been criticized for their long-lasting negative impact on China. Ultimately, it is up to individual interpretation to determine if the positive outweigh the negative aspects of Mao's rule.
the positive aspects of the keewatin is that it is a beautiful boat and it is 106 years old and has been in our region for 60 years almost does that answer your question
Historical globalization has been both positive and negative, depending on a person's opinion.
Connect Positive on A to Negative in B then Positive from B to whatever Positive on A had been connected to.
Negative plus Negative would equal positive in Maths. like this: -7 + -8 = 1 Because you're adding a minus It Will Not Equal a Positive it will Equal a Negative. -7+-8= -15. Because you are adding a negative to another negative. If the problem was -7+8= 1. Because you are taking seven out of that eight. If It were to be multiplication than a negative TIMES a negative would have been a positive(-8 x -7=56). And a negative TIMES a positive would be a negative (-8 x 7=-56).
Some of the positive impacts of technology are that it has helped bring about safer medical treatment. New research has brought about better treatment for some diseases. On the negative side, a lot of new technology has been used to make weapons that harm people. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) have been used by the wrong people to harm others.
There are eight main blood types:O positive, O negative, A positive, A negative, B positive, B negative, AB positive and AB negative.Wikipedia has info- also try
"Banished" typically has a negative connotation, implying that someone or something has been forced to leave or be excluded from a place or group.
someone who has been tested for tb and had a negative result but then on a second test has a positive result
A positive DC voltage is an electric potential where excess electrons will flow from negative to positive.AnswerYou appear to be mixing up potential difference (i.e. voltage) with potential. There is no such thing as a 'positive' voltage if you mean 'positive' in the sense of charge! 'Voltage' means 'potential difference', and you cannot have a positive or negative potential difference in this sense. You can only apply positive and negative in this sense to potentials.However, if you mean 'positive' in the sense of direction, then a positive voltage is one that is acting in the opposite direction to a negative voltage within the same circuit. For example, where two batteries have been connected in opposition.
There is no false positive pregnancy test result. If it has ever been positive, then it is positive.