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This ancient writing is called hieroglyphics. Many different pictures represent words and numbers. Hieroglyphics are used today still... kinda. Picture icons are like hieroglyphics.

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Q: What is a ancient Egyptian number writing called?
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What made ancient Egyptian number easy to use?

because it did

How did egyptians excell in architecture?

There are many but ill list a few: Amathematics system that has developed to this day, papyrus a paper made from reeds for writing on, knowledge of the stars and universe from observations etc

What is the difference between hieroglyphics and cuneiform?

Cuneiform writing was invented by the ancient Sumerians around 3500 B.C. Hieroglyphic writing was invented by the ancient Egyptians around 3200 B.C.The two forms of writing differed from each other in at least the following ways:Hieroglyphic writing represented consonants only. Cuneiform script represented whole syllables, including the vowels.Although cuneiform script began as picture writing, its symbols rapidly evolved into abstract shapes that, in most cases, bore no resemblance to any actual object. Egyptian hieroglyphs remained recognizable pictures throughout the 3500-year history of the script.Over its long history, cuneiform writing was adapted to the needs of a large number of languages, including the original Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Elamite, Eblaite and Old Persian. Egyptian hieroglyphs were never applied to any language other than Egyptian itself.The hieroglyphic writing system was ONLY used for ancient EGYPTIAN. The cuneiform writing system, started by the Sumerians, was then picked up and widely used by the Mesopotamian speakers of a Semitic** language unrelated to Sumerian -- the language of the Babylonians and Assyrians, called "Akkadian" by modern scholars. From there it spread further and was used to write other languages - esp. Elamite and Hittite.

Do people still believe in Egyptian gods in modern times?

Yes, some people still believe in Egyptian gods in modern times, particularly within the practice of Kemeticism, a revival of ancient Egyptian religion. These beliefs are not as widespread as major world religions, but they continue to be followed by a small number of individuals and groups.

How were hieroglyphics translated?

The Rosetta Stone was instrumental in the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics ; see related link below .Hieroglyphics were deciphered using the Rosetta stonean Egyptian artifact that was discovered in the late 1700's by the frenchit contained a three carved texts two in Egyptian and the third in classic greekbeing able to translate the greek allowed the English to translate the other languageswhen they acquired the stone in the early 1800'sHieroglyphics were decoded thanks to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone can best be described as a decoder stone. This stone featured Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Ancient Greek. The three types of writing all contained basically the same information, which made it easier for archaeologists and historians to decode the hieroglyphs and make a sort of "key" to be able to decode other hieroglyphs that may be found.

Related questions

Who invented the Egyptian number system?

a group of ancient Egyptian scholars

How do you use Egyptian numbers today?

The ancient Egyptian number system is no longer in use.

Is there a symbol for zero in the Egyptian number system?

There is no known mathematical symbol for zero in the ancient Egyptian number system.

What made ancient Egyptian number easy to use?

because it did

How would an ancient Egyptian write the number 1555?

To write the number 1555 an ancient Egyptian would draw images, which cannot be drawn here. To get the real image, enter the number here; (See related Link)

What are some examples of ancient Egyptian medical advances?

* Hieroglyphic writing * 365-day calendar * number system based on 10 and fractions * medicine and 1st medicine books.

How did egyptians excell in architecture?

There are many but ill list a few: Amathematics system that has developed to this day, papyrus a paper made from reeds for writing on, knowledge of the stars and universe from observations etc

When was the Egyptian numeration system discovered?

The oldest records of ancient Egyptian number systems (there were many) that we have are carved on monuments in hieroglyphics that were deciphered in the 19th century.

What is writing a number as a product of primes called?

Writing a number as the product of its prime factors is called prime factorization.

What is the difference between hieroglyphics and cuneiform?

Cuneiform writing was invented by the ancient Sumerians around 3500 B.C. Hieroglyphic writing was invented by the ancient Egyptians around 3200 B.C.The two forms of writing differed from each other in at least the following ways:Hieroglyphic writing represented consonants only. Cuneiform script represented whole syllables, including the vowels.Although cuneiform script began as picture writing, its symbols rapidly evolved into abstract shapes that, in most cases, bore no resemblance to any actual object. Egyptian hieroglyphs remained recognizable pictures throughout the 3500-year history of the script.Over its long history, cuneiform writing was adapted to the needs of a large number of languages, including the original Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Elamite, Eblaite and Old Persian. Egyptian hieroglyphs were never applied to any language other than Egyptian itself.The hieroglyphic writing system was ONLY used for ancient EGYPTIAN. The cuneiform writing system, started by the Sumerians, was then picked up and widely used by the Mesopotamian speakers of a Semitic** language unrelated to Sumerian -- the language of the Babylonians and Assyrians, called "Akkadian" by modern scholars. From there it spread further and was used to write other languages - esp. Elamite and Hittite.

What number did egyptians first used for pi?

The ancient Egyptian worked out the value of pi as being 3.16

What is the ancient Egyptian symbol for zero?

The ancient Egyptian numeric system has no zero, nor does it need one. Because there are completely different signs for units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands and so on, simply leaving out one type of sign expresses the absence of that number - no zero is required.In writing, the idea of "nothing" or "zero" is expressed by the word nfr but this is not used in arithmetic calculations.