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Q: What is an atom called that does not have a neutral charge?
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What kind of atom is called a neutral atom?

An atom that has the same amount of protons and electrons has no net charge and therefore is neutral.

What will be the charge of a neutral atom?

A neutral atom will have a charge of ZERO

What is an atom called when it no longer has a neutral charge?

An atom with no electric charge will be called a neutral atom. In a neutral atom, there is a balance of charges, and the number of protons will be equal to the number of electrons. It's really that simple. Compare this to atoms that have an imbalance of charges. These atoms are called ions.

What neutral particles in an atom are called?

Neutron is neutral Proton has a positive charge Electron has a negative charge

Atom that has equal number of protons and electrons?

That is called a neutral atom, because it has no electric charge. If the atom has an electric charge (i.e., it has more protons than electrons, or more electrons than protons), it is called an ion.That is called a neutral atom, because it has no electric charge. If the atom has an electric charge (i.e., it has more protons than electrons, or more electrons than protons), it is called an ion.That is called a neutral atom, because it has no electric charge. If the atom has an electric charge (i.e., it has more protons than electrons, or more electrons than protons), it is called an ion.That is called a neutral atom, because it has no electric charge. If the atom has an electric charge (i.e., it has more protons than electrons, or more electrons than protons), it is called an ion.

What is an atom or group of atoms called that has a neutral charge?


When an atom is no longer neutral it exists with a charge. An atom that has a charge is called a .?

An ion. if the charge is positive, it is know as a cation and if the charge is negative , it is known as an anion.

When an atom is no longer neutral, it exists with a charge. An atom that has a charge is called a _______.?

An ion. if the charge is positive, it is know as a cation and if the charge is negative , it is known as an anion.

When an atom in no longer neutral it exists with a charge an atom that has a charge is called a?

When an atom is no longer neutral and has gained or lost electrons, it is called an ion. An atom that has gained electrons will have a negative charge (an anion), while an atom that has lost electrons will have a positive charge (a cation).

What is the neutral atomic particle of an atom called?

The neutral atomic particle of an atom is called a neutron. Neutrons have no charge and are found in the nucleus of an atom along with protons.

Is an atom a negative charge or a positive charge?

An atom with positive charge is cation.An atom with negative charge is anion.

What is aluminum overall charge of an atom?

The overall charge of an aluminum atom is neutral, as it has an equal number of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge). A neutral atom of aluminum has 13 protons and 13 electrons.