It mean like already " The time has elapsed".Having slipped by; passedLunch was at 12:00, and ended at 12:45, so the elapsed time was 45 minutes.
The amount of time that elapsed between the announcement of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was 11 years.
If 38 years elapsed between the start and finish of the Justinian code, and the twelve tables were created in 450 B.C., it would be approximately 412 years that elapsed between the two periods.
If 38 years elapsed between the start and finish of the Justinian code, and the twelve tables were created in 450 B.C., it would be approximately 412 years that elapsed between the two periods.
no i think it crystal hi jess bookclub
What does elapsed time meen?
time elapsed=final time taken - initial time taken
time elapsed=final time taken - initial time taken
elapsed time ~ n. measured time of an event
Take the elapsed time away from the end time.
Elapsed time
add start +Elapsed = and get end time
what is the elapsed time between 4:30 and 5:10
Elapsed time11:45pm to 3:30 am
The elapsed time between 3:35 and 6:09 is 2:34.
The elapsed time would be 18 minutes