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transform boundry as in the san Andreas fault

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Q: What is it called when two plates side by side?
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What type of boundary is called when two tectonic plates move side by side?

A transform boundary is formed when two tectonic plates move past each other horizontally. This movement can result in earthquakes along strike-slip faults.

How much plates does a stegosaurus have on its back?

Stegosaurus had 17 bony plates on its back. The plates were arranged in two rows, one one each side of the spine, and rather than the plates being directly across from each other, they alternated, with a plate on one side, then a plate on the other side, and then a plate on the first side again. In addition to plates, they had four bony spikes called thagomizers at the end of the tail.

What is it called when two lithospheric plates move apart?

Continental Plates

What is it called when two plates are pulling apart?

When two plates are pulling apart, it is known as divergent boundary or divergent plate boundary. This type of boundary results in the formation of new crust as magma rises to the surface and solidifies.

What are the two plates inside the earth called?

The two plates inside the Earth are the inner core and the outer core. The inner core is solid and composed primarily of iron and nickel, while the outer core is a liquid layer that surrounds the inner core.

What is called when two plates collide and one pushes upwards?

Two plates colliding and one being pushed upwards is called subduction.

What is the border between the plates?

The boarder between two plates is called a boundary.

Example of recent major earthquakes?

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti on August 14, 2021, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. Magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit Mexico on September 7, 2021, leading to building collapses and fatalities. Magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in Fukushima, Japan on February 13, 2021, triggering a tsunami warning.

When two tectonic plates push into each other the place the two plates meet is what?

They are called a Plate Boundaries :)

What can form where two plates converge?

When two tectonic plates converge, a subduction zone can form where one plate is pushed beneath the other, creating deep oceanic trenches and volcanic arcs. Another possibility is a collision boundary, where the two plates collide and form mountain ranges due to intense pressure and folding of the Earth's crust.

What is it called when two plates move towards each other When they move together What is the motion called?

When two plates move towards each other, it is called convergence. The motion during convergence is usually called subduction if one plate is forced beneath the other, or collision if the two plates collide and form mountain ranges.

When two plates slide one under the other is called?

It's called the Transform, that's the second stage of the plates.