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It is the code for amino acids

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Q: What is the alphabet for the genetic code?
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Is DNA genetic code or genetic blueprint?

DNA is the genetic code

What is the genetic code code for?

instruction stored in the gene in the form genetic code.

Where is the Genetic code is caried?

DNA carries the genetic code.

What is secondary genetic code?

The secondary genetic code is the folding of protein.

Did the Japanese code use English alphabet and did the code intercept operators take down English alphabet?

Yes, they did. Like the alphabet here is ABCDEFFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ so in japan its ¥£€#££€'

What are the Components of genetic code?

The genetic code is carried by the macromolecule DNA. In particular, the sequence of nitrogen bases on the DNA determines the genetic code.

Can multiple codons code for the same amino acid in the genetic code?

Yes, multiple codons can code for the same amino acid in the genetic code. This redundancy is known as degeneracy in the genetic code.

Can different codons code for the same amino acid in the genetic code?

Yes, different codons can code for the same amino acid in the genetic code. This redundancy is known as degeneracy in the genetic code.

What component contains the genetic code?

The genetic code is carried in the DNA on the chromosomes.

The alphabet of the code is made of what?


What is zip code for East 14th Street in Alphabet City?

The zip code for East 14th Street in Alphabet City is 10009.

What is the alternative version of genetic code and how does it differ from the standard genetic code?

The alternative version of genetic code is known as the mitochondrial genetic code. It differs from the standard genetic code in that it has some variations in the codons that specify certain amino acids. These differences allow mitochondria to efficiently produce proteins needed for their functions.