The full form of ABACUS is Abudant Beads, Addition and calculation Utility System
ABACUS is a name of a calculating apparatus - it is not an acronym.
ABACUS - Abundant Beads, Addition and Calculation Utility System
Mouse is the full name for the input device. It is not m.o.u.s.e that would have a full form. Mouse is a nickname given to the device whilst in development, due to it's resemblance of a live mouse.
The full form of USSR is Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics.
ABACUS is a name of a calculating apparatus - it is not an acronym.
The full name of an abacus is an abacus. It is a calculating tool. people also refer to them as counting frames.
ABACUS full form
ABACUS - Abundant Beads, Addition and Calculation Utility System
See the related link for a full answer ...
The real name of abacus is sorabain and it is also called logorthum
Integrated Device Electronics
Random acess device
electrostatic sensitive device
Integrated Device Electronics
Intelligent portable occular device Intelligent portable occular device
Complex programmable logic device