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Q: What is the history of Japanese Notan?
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Related questions

What country does the NOTAN design come from?

The NOTAN technique come from the Japanese.

Japanese notan what is it?

NOTAN is a Japanese word which means "dark-light". NOTAN as it relates to design is defined as the interaction between a positive and a negative space. Western culture tends to emphasize the positive aspect of design, with less emphasis on the negative (background) space. The Eastern culture from which NOTAN arose, seeks a more balanced view of the world, and of design as it relates to the world. One space is as important as another space to bring to the design.

What are the ratings and certificates for Notan - 2004?

Notan - 2004 is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:Btl

What actors and actresses appeared in Notan - 2004?

The cast of Notan - 2004 includes: Evert Jansson as Bitter man

What does notan mean in art world?

answer the danm qustin

When did notan art start?

over 40,000 years ago

How do you pronounce notan?

No-Tan (as in having pale skin and needing to go to the beach)

What has the author Izumi Yanagida written?

Izumi Yanagida has written: 'Meiji bungaku sokan' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Meiji bungaku sokan' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): Japanese literature, History and criticism 'Meiji bungaku sokan' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Meiji bungaku sokan' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Shoki Meiji bungaku no rinkaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Meiji bungaku sokan' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature 'Zuihitsu Meiji bungaku' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Japanese literature

When was Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform created?

Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform was created in 1996.

What is Zeke in high school musical real name in real life?

cam notan

What is the Japanese word for History?

歴史 (Rekishi) - History

What does edo mean in Japanese history?

Edo is the old Japanese name for Tokyo :)