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Truncated Icosahedron

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Q: What is the name of the Archimedean solid that the soccer ball represents?
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What is the name of the Archimedean solid that the ball represents?

A sphere.

What is the name of the archimedean solid the soccer ball represents?

I believe that would be the truncated icosahedron! It is pentagons and hexagons, right? Here is a site with pictures:

How does a soccer ball represent a person?

it represents a persons head in a ball shape!

What three dimensional figure represents a soccer ball?


Is a soccer ball a solid?

No, it has air in it.

What does the red ball represent?

The soccer ball represents the Earth.I am just joking.It's not true.

What do the dots on a soccer ball represent?

A soccer ball simply represents a tool for playing the game of soccer. It is circular and about 27 inches in circumference, and is used to play the sport worldwide.

A solid figure that is polygons?

Well if your looking for examples, One is a soccer ball

Hy does a soccer ball have 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons on it?

The Truncated Icosahedron is one of the 13 known Archimedean solids. They were not always made using this pattern and the advanced modern balls are no longer made with this pattern.

Is the mass of a bowling ball greater than the mass of a soccer ball?

Yes, the mass of a typical bowling ball is greater than the mass of a soccer ball. A regulation bowling ball usually weighs around 6-16 pounds, while a standard soccer ball weighs about 0.4-0.5 pounds.

Why isn't soccer called soccer ball?

It isn't called soccer ball because the soccer ball is the ball you use in soccer. See? I have actually heard people call it soccer and soccer ball.

Is a soccer ball a liquid or gas?

Gas. A soccer ball is filled with gas under pressure.