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Senate Chamber The Senate Chamber

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Q: What is the name of the place the senate meets?
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Is chamber another name for the house or senate?

neither, sorry but the house meets in a chamber but i dont know the name of that chamber.

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Where does the Senate work?

The Senate meets in the Senate Chamber which is in the U.S. capitol, Washington D.C., United States of America.

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A Senate district is formed by combining two Housedistricts. The current General ... The General Assembly meets in the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield.

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When the senate and House of Representatives meets together is it called a?

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Where does the Italian government meet?

Rome is the place where the national government meets in Italy.Specifically, the Palazzo Montecitorio is the place where the Chamber of Deputies meets. It is an impressive building that is located at the Piazza Monte Citorio and that dates back to the 17th century. The Palazzo Madama is the place where the Senate of the Republic meets. It is an equally impressive but older building that dates back to the 15th century and belonged to the influential Medici family. It is located at the Palazzo Madama.

Which branch meets in the capital building?

The Senate and the House of Representatives meet in the US Capitol building. Congress also meets in the US Capitol building.

What is a senate meeting called?

The Senate meets in sessions. The Session are numbered since the first meeting. The Congressional Record serves as the official record of everything done in the meetings.

Is Capitol hill where the congress meets?

Yes, Capitol Hill is where the United States Congress meets. It is the home of the U.S. Capitol building, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives.

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What is the nickname for the Senate?

The nick name for the Senate is "Congress"