The positive aspects of advertising is promoting the message of your company and/or it's products/services. Through the practice of advertising consumers become brand aware of a company and bring revenue in to the advertiser. Another positive aspect is the ability to create public opinion or repair damaging media exposure to remain profitable as a business.
A positive of a nav bar is to navagite uses back and forth
the positive aspects of radium is glows in the dark and added another element to the periodic table of elements the negative aspects are it gives cancer and if ingested your body will believe its calcium causing weakening of the bones and something called radium jaw were the jaw falls of from being weakened from the radium.
The bringing together of all people within a country towards peaceful co-existence is known as national integration. Some positive aspects include less violence, unity, reduces economic differences or inequalities.
Instead of using electric energy we use windmills that help the environment.
Positive aspects is to device/tell some stories to your friends classmates and many others!
Sal Randazzo has written: 'The Mythmakers' -- subject(s): Advertising, Brand name products, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising, Social aspects, Social aspects of Advertising, Symbolism in advertising
Thomas Justin Madden has written: 'Humor in advertising' -- subject(s): Advertising, Humor in advertising, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising
Rose Fine-Meyer has written: 'Advertising' -- subject(s): Advertising, Social aspects, Social aspects of Advertising
Paul Joseph Hensel has written: 'Sex in print advertising' -- subject(s): Advertising, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising, Sex in advertising
i think there is no law to limit the advertising in the medias.
the positive aspects of an extended famly is have more attention
Dieter Conen has written: 'Wirkung von Werbesprache' -- subject(s): Advertising, Labels, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising
Dick Bakker has written: 'De regenton is een alpentop' -- subject(s): Advertising, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising
One of the positive aspects of drama is that it gives impressions immediately
Goos Geursen has written: 'Emoties & reclame' -- subject(s): Advertising, Motivation research (Marketing), Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Advertising
advertising is a sub system of economic system of nation. advertising in the developing countries like india, plays an important role in economy. Advertising has various positive and negative economic aspects. POSITIVE ASPECTS A) Effect on costs 1. Effect on production cost 2. Effect on distribution cost 3. Effect on prices B)Effect on demand C)Effect on Competition D)Effect on consumer choice E)Effect on Business cycles F)Effect on Nation income G)Effect on Employment Positive Social Effects 1. Information 2. Material Utilities 3. Production 4. Consumption 5. Socio-Economic Welfare
The positive aspects of tradition is that you can keep old ties of culture and family near to you.