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Which was found by the French at 1799 AD/ CE at Rosetta, a harbour on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. It was created at 196 BCE and the curved text in Egyptian hieroglyphics, Demotic and classical Greek is a decree of Ptolemy V. The stone weighs 760 kilosgrams

The Rosetta stone.

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Q: What is the slab called that unlocked Egyptian hieroglyphics?
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What is the name of the slab of rock discovered in 1799 with Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.

What is hieroglyphic Egyptian stone tablets?

The Rosetta Stone. While the Rosetta Stone did have Hieroglyphics on it, it also had the same passage inscribed in the Demotic and Classical Greek languages. This helped Young and Champollion in their translations of the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone. A stone slab with just Hieroglyphics would be called a stele. Steles or stelae can be found worldwide, not just in Egypt.

Why was the Rosetta stone a key to discovery to Egyptian archaeology?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

What was the key to the interpretation of hieroglyphics?

The "Rosetta Stone" was a carved stele, or slab, which was created in 196 AD during the reign of Ptolemy V. It was discovered by the Napoleonic army in 1799 at Fort Julien, near Rashid (Rosetta), Egypt. Because the stele had essentially the same message written in three separate scripts (hieroglyphic, Egyptian Demotic, and Greek), it provided the key to deciphering the ancient hieroglyphic writing of Egypt.

What discovery enabled scholars to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone was a carved slab, called a stele, which was written during the reign of Ptolemy V. in 196 CE. It was discovered by Napoleon's army in 1799 at Fort Julien, near Rashid (Rosetta), Egypt.The writing on the stele had the same exact message written in three separate scripts (hieroglyphic, Egyptian Demotic, and Greek), and because Greek was a fully known language, it provided the key to deciphering the ancient hieroglyphic writing of Egypt.Furthermore, all the proper names were circled in a format called a "cartouche" which made them easy to identify and decode.

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What unlocked the Rosetta stone?

It was a slab of granite like rock with the same message crafted on it in three different scripts. The discovery of the stone, called Rosetta Stone, meant that hieroglyphics could be translated

What is the name of the slab of rock discovered in 1799 with Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta Stone.

What is hieroglyphic Egyptian stone tablets?

The Rosetta Stone. While the Rosetta Stone did have Hieroglyphics on it, it also had the same passage inscribed in the Demotic and Classical Greek languages. This helped Young and Champollion in their translations of the Hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone. A stone slab with just Hieroglyphics would be called a stele. Steles or stelae can be found worldwide, not just in Egypt.

Basalt slab key in deciphering hieroglyphics?

Rosetta Stone

What is the significance of Rosetta?

In 1799, near the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in Egypt, French soldiers discovered a large slab of black stone that had been carved into a stele, bearing an official pronouncement. This was the Rosetta Stone. The writing consisted of the same message written in three different languages: hieroglyphics, Egyptian demotic, and ancient Greek. This provided exceptional clues to deciphering the elusive meaning of the hieroglyphics found in Egyptian tombs such as the pyramids.

What is the artifact called?

The artifact is called the Rosetta Stone. It is a large slab of black basalt inscribed with a decree in three scripts: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Ancient Greek. Its discovery in 1799 was crucial for understanding and deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Could you name me an ancient stone slab?

The Rosetta Stone is an ancient stone slab dating back to 196 BC. It was instrumental in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs due to its inscriptions in three languages: Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Ancient Greek.

What is the Rosetta stone and what is its important?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

Why was the Rosetta stone so important and what was it?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

What is the Rosetta stone and why it is important?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.

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A slab of volcanic rock is called a "lava flow" or a "lava rock".

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