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Q: What percent of the military drinks?
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What percent of the world drinks water buffalo milk?

5% of the world's population drinks milk from water buffalo

What percent are gay people in the military?

The military does not keep such records.

What it means when the percent of markup is greater than 100 percent?

Nothing particular. The markup on drinks in restaurants often is.

How do you determine the percent of sugar.?

Whether it is in food,drinks or blood, it will be determined in mgm%

What percent of the military voted for Romney?


What percent of people drink energy drinks for flavor?

99.9 Percent of americans drink monster because they like it (:

How much of Americas beverage consumption is made up be soft drinks?

29 percent

How many standard drinks are in a 60 oz pitcher of 5 percent beer?


What percent of the US populace is in the military?

Answer: 0 percent. All of the country's military is now in 2008.

What percent of secondary student education does the United States military pay for?

The United States military pays no more than 5 percent of secondary student education. It varies sometimes though.

What are some popular high percent alcohol drinks that are commonly consumed at parties?

Some popular high percent alcohol drinks commonly consumed at parties include vodka, tequila, rum, whiskey, and gin. These spirits are often mixed with other ingredients to create cocktails or shots.

Is there a drink that doesn't contain water?

There are hundreds of non-alcoholic drinks and "mocktails." An extensive list of recipes for such drinks is located on the related link.