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Q: What percentage of the power generation mix relies on imported sources?
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how much of Spain's power is made out of wave power?

As of now, wave power accounts for a very small percentage of Spain's overall power generation mix. The country primarily relies on other renewable sources such as wind and solar power for its energy needs.

Are there nuclear power plants in Hawaii?

No, there are no nuclear power plants in Hawaii. The state relies primarily on imported oil for its energy needs, along with renewable sources such as solar and wind power.

The generation of electricity relies primarily on?


What generation of electricity relies primarily on .?

mechanical energy

Does ivory coast have nuclear power?

No, Ivory Coast does not have nuclear power. The country relies on a mix of thermal, hydroelectric, and some renewable energy sources for its electricity generation.

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Hydropower is considered an indirect form of renewable energy because it relies on the water cycle to generate electricity. Solar and wind power are examples of direct renewable energy sources that rely on their respective natural sources for power generation.

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None of Saskatchewan's electricity generation comes from nuclear sources. The province relies primarily on fossil fuel sources such as coal, natural gas, and hydroelectricity for its energy needs.

How many nuclear power plants in west Virginia?

There are no nuclear power plants in West Virginia. The state relies mainly on coal, natural gas, and renewable energy sources for its electricity generation.

What percentage of shipped freight relies on disel?

94 %

Does British Columbia use nuclear energy?

No, British Columbia does not use nuclear energy for electricity generation. The province primarily relies on hydroelectric power, natural gas, and renewable energy sources like wind and solar.

Does Hawaii have a nuclear power plant?

No, Hawaii does not currently have a nuclear power plant. The state relies on imported oil for the majority of its energy needs, with a growing push towards renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

What type of energy do we use most?

Currently, the world relies most on fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas for energy production. These sources provide a large portion of the energy used globally for electricity generation, transportation, and heating.