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conservation of matter

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Q: What principle tells us atoms are not destroyed?
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What does the name diphosphorus pentoxide tell us?

Tells us there are 2 phosphorus atoms and 5 oxygen atoms

What is avogandro's number?

Avogadro's number, approximately 6 x 1023, tells us how many atoms molecules are in a mol. For example, it tells us approximately how many hydrogen atoms in a gram of hydrogen, how many carbon atoms in 12 grams, etc.

What does a subscript tell us about an element in a compound?

In a molecular formula, the subscript tells us the number of atoms of the element that are present in one molecule of the compound. For instance,H2O tells us that there are two hydrogen and one oxygen atom per molecule of water. As for ionic compounds, it tells us the number of atoms present in one formula unit of the compound.

Is energy created when atoms are destroyed in a chemical reaction?

Atoms are never created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. There are the same number of each type of atom both before and after a chemical reaction. Atoms are never created of destroyed; the molecules are just re-arranged in their bonding with each other.

What 'SE' tells us how many atoms of each kind are there in a reaction?

The answer about SE is: symbol equation

What does a balanced equation tells us?

A balanced equation tells us the ratio of reactants consumed and products produced in a chemical reaction. It ensures that the law of conservation of mass is obeyed, meaning that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation.

How does the conservation of matter tell us about atoms in chemical reactions?

Matter is neither created nor destroyed. Only change of bonds occur in atoms.

What tells an atoms mass?

This tells us that an atom of krypton has 36 protons in its nucleus. All you really need to find is something called the mass number.

What do the subscript and coefficent in a chemical equation tell us?

The subscript in a chemical equation tells us the ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound. The coefficient tells us the number of molecules or formula units involved in the reaction.

Which is the principle river of the US?

The principle river of the US is the Mississippi.

How many atoms of chlorine are in 1.00 mol of chlorine gas?

There are 6.022 x 10^23 atoms of chlorine in 1.00 mol of chlorine gas, as Avogadro's number tells us that 1 mole of any substance contains that many atoms.

What does a chemical formula of a substance tell us?

It tells what elements are present in a molecule and how many atoms of each element are present.