A pyramid is a solid shape that has a square at the bottom of it and it is surrounded by 4 triangles and has a point at the top.this is a pyramid!
The German word for pyramid is (die) Pyramide.
Ancient egyptians built many different structures, including temples, palaces, houses, tombs, statues and most famously, pyramids.
inside a pyramide is heiroglyphics, your face, and a king and queens tomb.
it can be any shape
The Parthenon is rectangular in shape.
Die Pyramide was created in 1995.
If by La Pyramide you mean the Louvre Pramide 1984
The Pyramide Le Louvre is located in Paris, France
"une pyramide" (fem.) is French for "a pyramid"
Die Pyramide des Sonnengottes was created in 1965.
The duration of Die Pyramide des Sonnengottes is 1.63 hours.
the pyramide rectangular base has 12 sides.
you are one
La pyramide humaine - 1961 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-12
the middle