The first senators were divided into three groups so that they wouldn't all be replaced at the same time. At each Federal election (every two years) one third of the senators are replaced for their six year term.
thirteen colonies!
The Mogul Empire expanded by either war or people expansion this question is unanswerable because you did not state what kind of expansion
The treaty that divided Charlemagne's empire was the Treaty of Verdun.
There are three main groups: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic.
Simple, complex, and Fiber
Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores.
Taxes, society, immigration, and the economy were the issues that divided the party into three groups. Those three have divided and created a lot of commotions for the Republican party. This thus created divisiveness inside the party and thus for the country as a whole.
The 13 colonies were divided into three groups. They were called the Southern Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the New England Colonies.
the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes
Cetacea, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Cnidaria
what are three types of timber that are used for woodturning
The Volk can be divided into three main groups, "a supporting, a leading and a creative class."
27 amendments divided into three groups gives you 9 amendments per group.
Flowering plants are divided into three groups: monocots, eudicots, and tricots