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He used the reflecting telescope and calculus to map the orbits of planets and satellites.

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Q: What tool did Sir Isaac Newton use to map the orbits or plantes and satellites?
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What tool did Sir Issac Newton use to the map the orbits of planets and satellites?

Sir Isaac Newton used his own invention, the mathematical framework known as calculus, to map the orbits of planets and satellites. This framework allowed him to develop his laws of motion and universal gravitation, which provided the foundation for understanding celestial motion.

Which astronomer discovered why planets stay in their orbits?

Isaac Newton

What was Isaac Newton was the first demonstrate?

Orbits are due to gravity

Did Isaac Newton create the heliocentric model?

No Nicolaus Copernicus created it (although the planet's orbits were perfect circles in his model). Isaac Newton expanded on it. After Copernicus, Johannes Kepler stated that the orbits were elliptical. Isaac Newton came up with the theory of universal gravitation.

Who discovered true shape of planetary orbits?

Johannes Kepler. Inspired Sir Isaac newton's discoveries.

What tool did Sir lsaac Newton use to map the orbits of planets and satellites?

Sir Isaac Newton used his law of universal gravitation to map the orbits of planets and satellites. This law states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers. By applying this law, Newton was able to accurately predict the motions of celestial bodies.

Who discovered the law of motion and the law of universal gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton.

Who is the British scientist who first described gravity?

Isaac Newton is the British scientist who first described gravity in his work "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" published in 1687.

Was Isaac Newton's Birth Father's name Isaac?

Hannah Ayscough

Who defined the laws of motion?

Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion. These should not be confused with the laws of planetary motion by Keplar

Who used theory of gravity to calculate orbits?

Everyone after Isaac Newton, who could understand both gravity and orbits, and had enough geometry and calculus to be able to apply one to the other.

What year were satellites invented?

The first artificial satellite was Sputnik 1 in 1957. The theoretical basis for satellites was developed by Isaac Newton and described in his book A System of the World published in 1687.