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Q: What was the first compass called?
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What is the first compass's name?

The name of the first compass was called the "Han Dynasty." Created by Feng Shui.

What was the first invention that might be called modern?

The magnetic compass was the first invention that might be called modern.

Why is the golden compass called the golden compass?

its called that because it is a compass that is golden

What was the first compass made out of?

The first compasses were made out of lodestone, a naturally occurring magnetic rock. The lodestone was typically floated on a piece of wood or straw in water to allow it to align with the Earth's magnetic field, indicating the cardinal directions.

What came first compass or caravel?

the compass came first

What is the moveable bar in a compass called?

The movable bar in a compass is called the compass needle. It is typically a thin magnetized bar that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field to indicate direction.

What is the box that surrounds around a compass called?

The box that surrounds a compass is called a compass housing or compass casing. It helps protect the compass needle and dial from damage and external interference.

What year was the first compass made?

The first compass was invented in China during the Han Dynasty around the 2nd century BC. It was used for divination before being adopted for navigation.

Where was the first compass invented in China?

The first compass was invented in ancient China during the Han Dynasty, around the 2nd century BC. It was a simple device made from magnetite, a naturally magnetized mineral, and a floating piece of lodestone pointing north-south.

Who was compass?

well the first person to make the compass was the chinese.

What is that movie called where animals are your soul?

The Golden Compass.

Where was the first compass made?

the first compass was made in China around the Qing Dynasty's rule.