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Sir Isaac newton was an English mathematician, physicist and chemist whose many important contributions to science (and discoveries) laid down the foundation for much of the progress in science as we know it.

He was a co-inventor of calculus; he unraveled the mysteries of light and optics; he formulated the three laws of motion, deriving from them the law of universal gravitation.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Sir Isaac Newton worked out how gravity worked, he also split white light into seven colours, the colours of the rainbow, and he also wrote Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, meaning Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.

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14y ago

Newton lived from 1642 - 1727, 85 years. So a good answer would be "the late 1600s, because 1662 would put him at 20 years old.

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9y ago

Sir Issac Newton discovered Newtonian mechanics, Calculus, some work in Optics and Binomial series. The most famous contribution was in the field of gravity.

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12y ago

The achievements of issac newton are the force of gravitation which statesthat every object on the earth surface attarcts the other object with the same and equal force.

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13y ago

The three laws of motion.

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he discovered gravitational force.

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What were the major discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton?

Gravity, he also made a new measurement of weight, Newtons

How did sir Isaac newtons discoveries change the meaning of time?

Newton didn't change our concept of Time. Einstein did.

Isaac Newtons discoveries?

Isaac Newton is famous for his laws of motion, his work in optics, and his development of calculus. His discoveries laid the foundation for classical mechanics and modern physics. Newton's groundbreaking theories revolutionized our understanding of how the universe works.

What was Sir Isaac Newtons discoveries in light?

He rejected the idea of christian huygens according to him light travels only on a straight line.

How did Isaac newtons discoveries influence modern life?

All of today's modern physics are based on it- and all of today's technology is based on modern physics

Who invented Newtons?

Isaac Newton invented Newtons.

What is isaac newtons nationality?

isaac newtons nationality was english,iloveyou isaac newton!

What was Isaac newtons accomplishments?

what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

What are the discoveries Isaac Newton made?

discoveries made by newton

Who proposed Isaac Newtons theories?

Isaac Newton itself.

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What kind of dog was isaac newton's?

Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo.