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There certainly were Anglo-Saxons in 1066 AD, however they may not have been known as that.

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Q: What were the angles Saxons known as in 1066?
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What was the Angles and Saxons known as?


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The Angels and the Saxons are known as the Anglo-Saxons. Angles, not Angels! !

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The name of England came from the Anglo-Saxons who named it Angles, as time passed vikings referred to Angles as Angland, followed by the Normans who start the origin of "England".

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When did the Anglo-Saxons appear?

The Anglo-Saxon period begins in the fifth Century A.D., when the Angles, a Germanic tribe from what is now Denmark, came to Britain, which they re-named Engla-lond or "Land of the Angles." The Saxons began coming at about the same time. The period is generally considered to be over with the Norman Conquest of 1066. Our English language has two major dialects to this day, the Anglic dialect of the north, called Scots or Doric or Lallands depending on one's politics, and the Saxon dialect of the South, called Standard English.

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sorry i don't know

Are Anglo Saxons and Saxons the same people?

Saxons were/are from Saxony. Anglo-Saxons are in the Uk, a combination of the Saxons and the Angles.