Babbage was a classical example of "there comes a time on every project where it is necessary to shoot the engineers and just get on with building the thing", in other words he could not stop fiddling with the design and improving on it. At some point one must decide to freeze the design and just build what you have now, Babbage could not do that.
But machining tolerances of the time were not a problem.
Charles Babbage the mathematical inventor didnt have much hobbies excepte making plans for inventions and spendind time with his kids and wife.
Babbage said that drowsing over a book of log tables, (as one does) he got the idea of a machine to do the calculating. But there is not only one person to credit. In my subconscious (over which I have no responsibility) Napier's bones comes to mind. There is a good article in wikipedia under invention of computer.
Sorry, I made a mistake and I hope I did not case you trouble. There is a big line when we define a computer, it is not like we look at out computers today. Something making a calculation can be a computer. The first computer, which is on display, and called a computer, was invented in 1847 by Charles Babbage. This question has been answered before on wiki answers, and the page is very long depending on what class is considered a computer, so as it seems it would have to be asked by what class of computer to get the right answer.
The history of computers back to the early 1880's. The ancient form of modern computer were the electronic calculating device. The first computer was developed by the International Business Machines ( I B M ). The computers owes its origin to Charls Babbage who is referred to as the father of computers. You can avail more useful articles related to computers from
Mild steel, brass, etc. He never actually built anything because he couldn't commit to a single design, he argued too much with his machinist that was making the parts, and Parliament canceled his project and funding for lack of timely progress.
Charles Babbage the mathematical inventor didnt have much hobbies excepte making plans for inventions and spendind time with his kids and wife.
Ada Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron, is considered the "Mother of the Computer," due to her work with Charles Babbage. Known for her intelligence, Ada loved science and invention. The notes she took on the computer are considered to be the first algorithm, thus making her the first computer programmer.
No, Bill Gates is not the Father Of Computers. It is said to be that Charles Babbage is the Father Of Computers. It is true that Bill Gates is the one that invented a certain computer device. But Charles Babbage still stood as the Father of the original. Gates has not invented one, but that does not stop him from making improvement to the machines.
Babbage said that drowsing over a book of log tables, (as one does) he got the idea of a machine to do the calculating. But there is not only one person to credit. In my subconscious (over which I have no responsibility) Napier's bones comes to mind. There is a good article in wikipedia under invention of computer.
Charles Babbage was working as a human computer (with several others) doing astronomical calculations for shipping navigation tables. He got very frustrated over all the potential error sources (e.g. computation, crosschecking, typesetting) and exclaimed "I wish this could all be done by steam". Shortly after that he developed the concept of the Difference Engine and got Parliament to fund it, because of the importance of ship navigation to England's economy.
Sorry, I made a mistake and I hope I did not case you trouble. There is a big line when we define a computer, it is not like we look at out computers today. Something making a calculation can be a computer. The first computer, which is on display, and called a computer, was invented in 1847 by Charles Babbage. This question has been answered before on wiki answers, and the page is very long depending on what class is considered a computer, so as it seems it would have to be asked by what class of computer to get the right answer.
The history of computers back to the early 1880's. The ancient form of modern computer were the electronic calculating device. The first computer was developed by the International Business Machines ( I B M ). The computers owes its origin to Charls Babbage who is referred to as the father of computers. You can avail more useful articles related to computers from
Charles Babbage was considered to be the father of computing after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory; hailed as the first general-purpose computer concept.
never, he never built anything, Parliament canceled his funding, he kept making drawings of machines he would never get a chance to build. his machinist hated him and threatened to take all the tooling and parts he had already made because Babbage owed him money for work already done (this was a tradesman's right at the time as they could not normally sue in regular court).
Mild steel, brass, etc. He never actually built anything because he couldn't commit to a single design, he argued too much with his machinist that was making the parts, and Parliament canceled his project and funding for lack of timely progress.
One of Charles Babbage's jobs was as a Computer calculating navigation tables. He became very frustrated one day with the slow and error prone process of having several Computers calculate one table, then crosscheck their answers, recalculate and recrosscheck any errors found, have the printer typeset the table, recheck the printer's proofs against the calculated table, have the printer retypeset any errors found, etc. At this point he decided that there must be a way to make a machine powered by stream do the entire task without error. His initial idea was a Difference Engine, but this eventually led to the fully programmable Analytical Engine.
This question is loaded in the sense that it's rigged for a wrong reply.Charles Babbage is often credited for making the first computer, but it wasn't completed until 2002, when Windows XP was released. He did, but it was his Difference Engine.