Possibly the abacus, a board with wood rods, and wood beads on the rods. It is thousands of years old.
The first electronic computer, I think, was Univac. It used vacuum tubes instead of solid state devices to do its computing.
Electronic computers in the sense that we know them today did not exist in the early 1940s. When the first digital machines were developed near the end of WW2 they were either very specialized calculating machines and so did not have a "typical" configuration, or were enormous, room-sized devices weighing many thousands of pounds.
yes indeed young sir!
The earliest recorded calculating device is the abacus. Used as a simple computing device for performing arithmetic, the abacus most likely appeared first in Babylonia (now Iraq) over 5000 years ago.
The first computer was used in 1938. It was used in Germany. Then, in 1943, IBM released a computer that could be purchased by companies. This computer was first used by Harvard.
Textile Industry Textile Industry
Charles Xavier Thomas, of France, is credited with starting the calculating and accounting machines industry when he introduced the arithmometer in the 1870s.
When calculating simple interest, you should first
an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations
An expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines). Main keys are adding subtracting multiplication and dividing.
Infact computers re calculating machines any task they perform is a calculation for the given data to them
What did early machines first run on
George Alan Montgomerie has written: 'Digital calculating machines' -- subject(s): Calculators
he filed the patent for his first calculating machine in 1885 then improved one in in 1892
Machines were used to build even the first automobiles.
Pencil and paper, abacus, mechanical calculator, log tables, electronic calculator (or computer), proportional weighing machines.
arithmetic machine
In China in 1960