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The battle took place in 1066. William won by changing tactics! hope this is helpful!!!

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Q: What year was the year of battle of hastings?
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What year did the battle of hastings ends?

The Battle of Hastings Ended in 1066

What year was the The Battle of Hastings?

October 14th 1066

In what year did the Battle of Hastings occur?

The Battle Of Hastings happened in the year 1066 on the date 14 October.

What was the name of the year of the Battle of Hastings?


What date was Battle of Hastings fought?

year 1066

Answers to battle of hastings?

heya the battle of the is google and type in battle of hastings

Where exactly was the battle of hastings?

The battle of hastings was in a town called battle (which was not named battle until after the battle of hastings) it was in the middle of knowwere and it was about 10km from a town called hastings.

When did the Battle of Hastings start?

The battle of Hastings started on 14th of October, in the year 1066. Later that day, the then King Harold, was killed possibly from arrow to the eye.

Was the Battle of Hastings in 1066?

no it was not it was in a different year around 1066

In the battle of hastings what happened at midday?

on the day of battle of hastings thaere was a BATTLE :/

What in 1066 people in the battle were?

If I can interpret you question correctly, the Battle of Hastings took place in this year.

When was the battle of hastings month and year?

4 October 1066