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it began in the 1500's

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it begun about mid 60's or early 70's

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Q: When did the scientific revolution begin?
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What year did the scientific revolution begin?

In the 1500s

How is the scientific revolution connected to the enlightenment?

Connections to Scientific Revolution: The Enlightenment was a program to reform political, economic, and social aspects of European life by using the Scientific method established during the Scientific Revolution. The movement was based on the discoveries and knowledge of the Scientific Revolution.

What are some scientific changes on the age of revolution?

What are some scientific changes of the age revolution

What revolution led into the enlightenment?

Scientific Revolution

How did scientists before scientific revolution do their work?

Before the scientific revolution scientists would do mostly observations. These observations are what lead to the rise of patterns and the need for the scientific revolution.

How did scientist before the scientific revolution do their work?

Before the scientific revolution scientists would do mostly observations. These observations are what lead to the rise of patterns and the need for the scientific revolution.

Define scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution is a new way of looking at the natural world.

What three new scientific instruments that were invented as a result of the scientific revolution?

The telescope, the microscope and navigational instruments were invented in the scientific revolution.

Three new scientific instruments that that were invented as a result of the scientific revolution?

The telescope, the microscope and navigational instruments were invented in the scientific revolution.

How were the effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the industrial revolution?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Industrial Revolution led to worker exploitation

How did the Renaissance pave the way for the scientific revolution?

The Renaissance fostered a spirit of curiosity and exploration that encouraged intellectual inquiry. This mindset of questioning established dogmas and seeking new knowledge laid the foundation for the Scientific Revolution by challenging traditional beliefs and promoting the use of observation and experimentation in understanding the natural world. Key figures from the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Nicolaus Copernicus, made contributions to areas like anatomy and astronomy that helped pave the way for the scientific advancements of the following centuries.

During the scientific revolution how did scientist begin to prove there ideas?

During the scientific revolution, scientists began to prove their ideas through observation, experimentation, data collection, and the development of mathematical models. They used the scientific method to test hypotheses, make predictions, and draw conclusions based on empirical evidence. This approach helped them to establish a systematic and logical foundation for their theories and discoveries.