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the 4th plane on September 11th 2001 United Airlines flight 93 was hijacked by 4 hijackers the passenger's found out about the twin tower crashes and the pentagon now their plane was hijacked. the plane was most likely intended to hit a building in Washington DC, but was taken over by passengers and crash landed in an empty field in Shanksville Pennsylvania. 40 passenger's died and the 4 hijackers died also.

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14y ago

the fourth plane was headed for the White House but crashed in a field in Pennsylvania

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Q: Where did the third plane crash during the September 11 attacks?
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Where did the fourth plane crash at on September 11 2001?

In to a field in Pennsylvania.

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It was reign over me. His family died in the 911 attacks.

What happened on September 11 that shocked Americans?

There was a terrorist attack. Commercial airliners were hijacked, and used to crash into the World Trade Center. Two attacks took down both towers of the center. A third plane was hijacked with plans of crashing into the Pentagon, but a few passengers fought back against the terrorists. They managed to crash the plane in an area that only took the lives of those on board. There were 3,000 deaths and 6,000 injuries due to the attacks.

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The plane crashed into the Pentagon at around 9:20 (EST) in the morning of September 11, 2001.

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its so sad he died in September 11 plane crash

What order did the planes cash in the September 11 attacks?

There were four planes hijacked and crashed in the September 11 attacks. The order of the crashes are as follows:American Airlines Flight 11 was the first plane to crash. The plane was flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 a.m. EST.United Airlines Flight 175 was the second plane to crash. The plane was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m. EST.American Airlines Flight 77 was the third plane that crashed. The hijackers flew the plane into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. EST.United Airlines Flight 93 was the fourth and final hijacked plane that crashed. The flight passengers attempted to gain control of the plane, but it crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. EST.

What did they bomb on September eleventh?

twin towers. the pentagon, and the other plane failed to reach it's target because of a plane crash

Where did the plane crash which was hijacked by terrorist on September 11 2001 that was going to the white house?

The pentagon.

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Art Scholl died in 16 September 1985 of plane crash.

Building in Pennsylvania destroyed on 911?

During the attacks of 9/11, the crash of Flight 93 fortunately, did NOT hit a building. It crashed in an open field that was near an elementary school. They suspect that the plane was intended for the Capital Building.