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"What is your father's name" is the correct way to say it.

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Q: Which one is right What is your father's name or What is your father name?
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What is correct father name or father's name?

"Fathers' names" is the correct way to refer to the names of multiple fathers. "Father's name" is the possessive form used when talking about one specific father.

What is dan scott's father's name in One Tree Hill?

his fathers name is Royal!

What is correct father's or fathers'?

"Father's" indicates possession by one father, while "fathers'" indicates possession by multiple fathers.

Which last name is used first in spanish culture the mothers or the fathers?

The father's one.

When starting a letter and it is to multiple fathers like dear fathers is there an apostrophe?

No, there is no need for an apostrophe in "fathers" when addressing multiple fathers in a letter with "Dear fathers." The plural form of "father" already indicates more than one father without needing an apostrophe.

How many fathers can you have?

You can only have one biological father, but one or more step-fathers (not of your blood.)

Is it fathers' or father's?

If you want to abbreviate "father is" use father'seg: "My father's coming home at 8."If you are talking about something belonging to one father it's also father'seg: "That's my father's car."You use fathers' when you want to make it clear that you are talking about something belonging to more than one "Our team went through hard times but our fathers' support got us through it."

What is the difference between father's and fathers'?

Genetically, the difference is that "Mother" is given to the female, "Dad" to the father. In terms of relationship, it has proven to be interchangeable with same-sex couples adopting and raising children.

What is the difference of great-grad father and great grandfather?

"Teh" differences between a great-grad father and a great grand father are as follows: a) grad fathers are fathers who watch you graduate or significantly help you graduate, hence the name GRAD father. A great grad-father therefore is someone who did a particularly good job of helping you graduate. b) grand fathers are fathers who are simply grand, not to be confused with grandfathers (one word) who are actually your fathers' fathers. Or, if you are confused, a great-grandfather could be your father's father's father. That is to say, your grandfather's father. c) also, great-grandfathers are your great grandmothers' husbands, your great-uncle's father and your great-aunt's mother's husband. d) if this remains unclear, ask a librarian. they know everything. they're like omniscient, which is to say that they are similar to omniscient beings.

What is crush's fathers name in finding nemo?

Crush's father is named Mister Turtle. His father is not mentioned much in Finding Nemo. In fact, he was mentioned in only one line in the whole movie.

What is Darius ruckers fathers name?

i do no his father's name,but his father is one of the members in the band "The Rolling Stones" The Rolling Stones being his gospel band, not the Mick Jagger Rolling Stones. His father was never around, he only saw him before church a few times.

Can one kid have two fathers?

A baby only has one biological father, not two.