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Q: Who are some mathematicians who have made geomtric discoveries?
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Who were some mathematicians?

Leonhard Euler is probably the best mathematician in the history of the world. He made amazing discoveries such as the number theory, the graph theory, etc.

Who were some great mathematicians?

Leonhard Euler is probably the best mathematician in the history of the world. He made amazing discoveries such as the number theory, the graph theory, etc.

Who are some mathmatitions?

Some well-known mathematicians are Euclid, Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Carl Friedrich Gauss, and Ada Lovelace. These individuals made significant contributions to the field of mathematics through discoveries and theorems that have had a lasting impact on the discipline.

Is zero an element of the set of natural numbers true or false?

False, although some mathematicians will disagree.False, although some mathematicians will disagree.False, although some mathematicians will disagree.False, although some mathematicians will disagree.

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Who are some mathematicians?

Euclid, Euler, Einstein were all mathematicians.

What are some famous discoveries by Pythagoras other than the Pythagorean theorem?

He founded the Pythagorean School and Society, which gained political influence in Croton, Italy, and influenced philosophers and mathematicians for centuries thereafter.

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none of ur business !

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What were some of the important scientific discoveries made during this period?

Some important scientific discoveries made during this period include the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895, the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897, and the discovery of radioactivity by Marie Curie in 1898. These discoveries laid the foundation for advancements in fields such as physics, medicine, and nuclear science.

Who is a mathematcian?

A mathematician is a person who studies mathematics or otherwise works with mathematics for a living. Many mathematicians try to come up with new discoveries and creative inventions in mathematics that they think might be useful. These people are research mathematicians. These mathematicians mostly work for universities. Others might work for government agencies doing various things. Still other mathematicians work for big corporations such as General Electric. A person might be called a mathematician even if he doesn't try to invent new math. Some mathematicians spend most of their time solving somewhat routine but complex math problems that most people don't understand how to solve. These people are applied mathematicians.

What were some of the discoveries made by the spanish between 1513 and 1540?

a wooden gun and a bat