He discovered the circulation system of the body
The heart is a probably the most important organ/part of the circulatory system. It is the muscle that pumps your blood through various parts of your body. As oxygen-rich blood goes through your body, it slowly loses its oxygen, and returns using veins like a highway to get back to your heart and lungs
Blood carries oxygen from the lungs to your heart, where the heart pumps it throughout the body. Your blood is red because the red blood cells have hemoglobin that gives it the red color. If there is no oxygen, your blood will turn blue, which has carbon dioxide. Blood is needed to allow your cells to swim throughout the body. For example, white blood cells need to swim fast to reach and attack the virus.
Before humans used electrical motors to operate pumps to pump water from the ground, the pumps were mechanically operated, via hand (hand pumps), wind (windmill pumps), etc.
Yes, manual hand water pumps were used in medieval times. These pumps were commonly made of wood or metal and were operated by hand to draw water from wells or underground sources. They were important tools for accessing clean water for various purposes such as drinking, cooking, and irrigation.
The Heart pumps the blood around your body.
William Harvey
The heart pumps blood throughout the body. It is a muscular organ that contracts and relaxes to push blood through the circulatory system.
the heart pumps the blood around your body through blood vessels , the artery which pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body and veins which pump blood from the organs back to the heart.
your heart pumps blood around the body via arteries, capillaries and veins.
The heart pumps the blood around the body.
The heart pumps the blood around the body
lungs pumps air to the heart and heart pumps air around body through blood
pumps blood around your body
the heart pumps around your blood
WILLIAM harvey
The heart pumps blood around the body.