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William Harvey

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Q: Who discovered that the heart pumps blood around the body?
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Why your heart pumps?

The Heart pumps the blood around your body.

Who discovered that the heart pumps the blood?

William Harvey

Which organ pumps blood?

The heart pumps blood throughout the body. It is a muscular organ that contracts and relaxes to push blood through the circulatory system.

What pumps blood round your body?

the heart pumps the blood around your body through blood vessels , the artery which pumps blood from the heart to the rest of the body and veins which pump blood from the organs back to the heart.

What pumps blood around your body?

your heart pumps blood around the body via arteries, capillaries and veins.

What does the heart do to the blood inside the body?

The heart pumps the blood around the body.

What does the heart play in the circulation of blood?

The heart pumps the blood around the body

How does oxygen that is in the air get into your blood?

lungs pumps air to the heart and heart pumps air around body through blood

What the heart does for you?

pumps blood around your body

What part does the heart play?

the heart pumps around your blood

Who discovered how the heart pumps blood through the circulatory system?

WILLIAM harvey

What does the heart transport around the body?

The heart pumps blood around the body.