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the group that discovered the positive and negative numbers in MATH.

the cLan MasTer is SiLenT_JeThz and the Weakest member is Dragonic WEAK..

We Love aLL MBASHS students except aLL teachers xD

LiLgHEL Love ErikA hahaha xD

Ramon Love JanniLyn 4 eveR

JeThz Love GeRLa!ne watat

frequency of :

Dante Arevalo and Ramon christian P. SaLibio

Thank you enjoy your assignment come again !

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Q: Who discovered the positive and negative numbers?
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What is the relationship between neggative positive and positive negative?

Negative number and positive numbers are all numbers. Negative numbers are just positive numbers multiplied by -1.

When multiplying numbers what do you do with the positive and negative signs?

Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive

What is the sign of the product of 47 negative numbers and three positive numbers?

Negative because product of 47 negative numbers is negative and product of three positive number is Positive , so negative*positive = Negative.

Is the product of 33 negative numbers and 2 positive numbers a positive number or a negative number?

(The product of 33 negative numbers) x (2 positive numbers) = (negative sign) x (positive sign) = negative sign

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What are the rules for multiplying integers?

Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive

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What is the product of two negative and three positive numbers?

It is positive. Any product of an even number of negative numbers will be positive, regardless of how many positive numbers you have. Similarly any product of an odd number of negative numbers will be negative, regardless of how many positive numbers you have.

Are positive and negative numbers integers?

yes integers are all numbers negative and positive

Where can you find positive and negative numbers in your house?

Positive numbers, on your door. Negative in your freezer.

Are negative numbers bigger or positive?

Positive numbers are larger than negative ones.