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It appears that Ben Sliney, National Operations Manager at the FAA Command Center at Herndon, VA, made the decision @ 0925 hrs ET, about 22 minutes after the second Tower was hit and 13 minutes before the Pentagon was hit. Mr. Sliney was on his first day as operations manager and did an outstanding job during chaos.

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Q: Who is the individual who ordered all airplanes grounded after the September 11 attacks?
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What happened in the September 11 terrorist attacks?

two airplanes , driven by terrorists, crashed into the twin towers on september 11th 2001

When did the September 11th attacks happen?

The September 11th attacks occurred on September 11, 2001.

How many airplanes were involved in the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks?

Four, at a minimum.Two crashed into the World Trade Center.One crashed into the Pentagon.One crashed in a field while in route to another target.

How many Americans died in the September 11 2001 attacks?

In total 3,497 people died in the attacks on 11 September 2001. 2,740 Americans Died in the September 11 attacks.

What event led to the establishing of the department of homeland security?

The attacks on September 11

Where in new york did 911 take place?

The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 consisted of two commercial airplanes hitting the World Trade Towers in New York City, New York. There was also a commercial airplane which hit the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia and a commercial airline which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Although these are the geographical locations of the attacks on September 11th the effects of the attacks affected people across the nation and the world.

Were the September 11 attacks bad?

yes, the September 11 attacks were one, or the worst attacks America has ever had. thousands of people died and millions of dollars were lost. September 11 is a day of morning for all Americans.

The sudden massave attacks of tanks and airplanes used by German?

The word for this sort of attack is :- blitzkrieg

When were the terrorist attacks?

There have been many terrorist attacks such as the September 11th attacks and the 67 terrorist attacks on Pakistan,The Mumbai attacks and many more

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When did the September 11 attacks?

The 911 attacks occured on Tuesday September, 11th at just after 0900 New York time (1400 GMT).

What does the FA stand for in FA18 Jet fighter?

Fighter/Attack. It was designed to serve both as a fighter, which attacks other airplanes, and an attack plane, which attacks ground targets.