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Traditionally the consulship was initially reserved for patricians until the Lex Licinia Sextia in 367 BCE dictated that at least one consul would be plebeian, and Lucius Sextius was consul the following year 366 BCE.

However records show a third of consuls up to then had plebeian names including the one of the first two consuls Lucius Junius Brutus. Either the patricians had seized power during the class struggles before 467 and this was a restoration of plebeian share in government, or the accounts of patrician supremacy before 467 passed down to us have been faked by aristocratic families in the same way we know they have faked their lineages to make their families look good, as has been commented on by Roman historians writing in the 2nd and 1st Centuries BCE.

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Q: Who provided that a least one consul had to be a plebeian in Rome?
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