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Q: Who taught Gupta mathematicians to value math and science?
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What did Du Bois's mother teach him?

She taught him the value of thriftiness, education and hard work.

What did muslim mathematicians invent?

Muslim mathematicians are responsible for introducing our number system. That is why we call them Arabic numerals. They developed the concept of zero as a value, the decimal system, arithmetic operations, exponentiation and square root determination. and various concepts such as proof by mathematical induction A lot of work was also done in algebra and geometry, trigonometry and more.

Why is merry Christmas not happy?

commerialism, the real value and spirit has been replaced by greed of merchants, children are taught to look forward more to gifts than giving, etc.

What kind of math did the ancient Greeks invent?

Greek inventions in Mathematics- Pythagoras and Thales Theorem, and the value of Pi There were pretty much buff mathematicians in ancient Greece who devoted a reasonable chunk of their lives inventing complex mathematical theories. They primarily did mathematics because of the captivating appeal of numbers.

Which was more successful Gupta India or Han China?

I would say Gupta India was more successful because it had more accomplishments:mathematics; number system, concept of negative numbers, square root of two, table of sines, computed value of piastronomy; identified 7 planets, determined planets and moon reflect sun's light, understood earth's daily rotation on its axis, predicted eclipses, theory of gravity, diameter of earthmedicine; understood importance of spinal cord, knew how to set bones, plastic surgery, inoculation technique, sterilization of woundsIn comparison, Han China had these accomplishments:calendar of 365 1/4 days, glazed pottery, paper, Confucianism basis for gov't=civil service exam, silk cloth, part of Silk Road, improved roads and canals (emperor wudi)Someone can hardly compare two different societies and civilizations that although neighbours today they had a distance in the past North India versus East of China and difference in time Han Dynasty from 206 BCE - 220 AD/ CE and Gupta Empire 280 - 550 AD/ CE

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what mathematicians agreed on an so that numercial expressions would have only one value?

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They define a variable by saying n equals some value.

Mathematicians agreed on an what so that numerical expressions woul have only one value?

the order of operations

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The Value of Science was created in 1905.

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A little over 100, although mathematicians disagree over it's exact value.

How was the value of pi discovered?

Study of circles. It was derived by mathematicians(Greek?) who developed an infinite series to describe it.

Name any 3 Indian mathematicians and their life story?

Notable Indian Mathematicians are Aryabhata, Ramanujam, Bhaskara, Sakuntala Devi, Panini, Brahmagupta. Aryabhata combined astrology and mathematics. He was the pioneer of calculating the value of pi and place value system. He believed Earth's orbit as elliptical.

Why is the gupta empire important?

The Gupta Period is also popularly known as the Golden Age of India The lifestyle and culture of the Gupta dynasty is known through the availability of various ancient coins, scriptures, inscriptions, texts, etc. belonging to that era. Aryabhatta and Varahamihira, the two great mathematicians contributed much during this period in the field of Vedic Mathematics. Aryabhatta estimated the value of "Pi" to the fourth decimal place. Algebra was developed to a great extent and the concepts of zero and infinity were found. During the reign of the Gupta rulers, astronomers and philosophers proposed the theory that the earth was not flat but round. The theory of gravity was also propounded during this time. The astronomers made a breakthrough when they found out the different planets and started to make horoscopes based on the planetary positions. The field of medicine also advanced a lot during this time and doctors used to perform operations even during that era. Since so many discoveries and advances were made in arts, medicine, literature and science during Gupta period, it has been called the Golden Age of India.

What culture developed a place value for the number 0?

The concept was developed by Aryabhatta, in the Gupta empire in India.

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to think for themselves and challenge authority

Briefly discuss the developments in mathematics and astronomy during Gupta period in India?

During the Gupta period in India (4th to 6th centuries), significant advancements were made in mathematics and astronomy. Mathematicians like Aryabhata and Brahmagupta made significant contributions to algebra, trigonometry, and number theory. In astronomy, Aryabhata accurately calculated the value of Pi, explained the concept of a heliocentric solar system, and accurately predicted eclipses. These advancements laid the foundation for later developments in these fields.