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Q: Who was Anaximenes?
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What did Anaximenes think about matter?

Anaximenes considered that all is composed from air.

What is the contribution of anaximenes?

Anaximenes was a pre-Socratic philosopher who proposed that air was the primary substance from which all things are formed. He believed that through rarefaction and condensation, air could transform into different materials, explaining the diversity of the natural world. Anaximenes' ideas influenced later philosophers and contributed to the development of the atomic theory.

Who are the philosophers in milesians philosophers?

The names of the philosophers are Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes.

Who is anaximenes?

well, nobody asked the question so I'm gonna answer my question According to the surviving sources on his life, Anaximenes flourished in the mid 6th century B.C.E. and died about 528. He is the third philosopher of the Milesian School of philosophy, so named because like Thales and Anaximander, Anaximenes was an inhabitant of Miletus, in Ionia (ancient Greece). Theophrastus notes that Anaximenes was an associate, and possibly a student, of Anaximander's. Anaximenes is best known for his doctrine that air is the source of all things. In this way, he differed with his predecessors like Thales, who held that water is the source of all things, and Anaximander, who thought that all things came from an unspecified boundless stuff.

Contribution of Anaximenes of Miletus in philosophy?

Anaximenes of Miletus contributed to philosophy by developing the concept of air as the primary substance from which all things arise through processes of condensation and rarefaction. He also proposed that air has divine qualities which govern the universe. Anaximenes's ideas laid the foundation for later thinkers to explore the nature of reality and the cosmos.

What was anaximene legacy?

anaximenes legacy was that he saved poop for his children and wife cause they couldn't eford food

Who were the 3 philosophers?

there were more than three greek philosophers but the most famous were Socrates,plato,and aristotle. others included thales,anaximander,anaximenes, and others.

What is the stuff made of?

A very long time ago - about two and a half thousand years ago - philosophers in ancient Greece wondered about the world. And they wondered about what everything was made of.One philosopher, called Anaximenes, thought that everything was air. Things like earth and water don't seem to be air, do they? Still, Anaximenes thought that earth and water are what you get if you squash air up. Squash air up enough and it turns into water. Squash it up some more and you get earth.Before Anaximenes, another philosopher, Thales, supposed that everything was water.And after Anaximenes, there came Heraclitus, who thought that, deep down, the world was fire.Eventually, a philosopher called Empedocles decided that none of these theories was quite right. He said the world was amde up of not one but four elements - earth, air, fire and water.The theory that the world is made up of these four elements became popular and lasted for a long time - more than two thousand years.

Who are the Pre-Socratic Triumvirate in Greek philosophy?

Thales, Heraclitus and Democritus were the Pre-Socratic triumvirate in Greek philosophy. And there were also Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Empedocles and Leucippus. They all, from Thales to Leucippus, really were scientists.

What geometer was born in Turkey and what words did he introduce into the language of mathematics?

The following geometers were born in turkey; Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. c. 546.)

What are 5 philosophers names?

The three most famous Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Some other philosophers whose work (or at least names) known are: Thales, Anaximenes, Anaximander, Pherecydes, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Zeno, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Democritus, Epicurus

Who believed air moved objects along?

The ancient Greeks, specifically the philosopher Anaximenes, believed that air was the primary element in the universe that moved and transformed everything, including objects. This concept was part of their belief in an underlying substance called "aether" that governed the motion of all things.